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The Claiming by Cooper novel Chapter 182

Layan’s Retum Chapter 27: Jara


Even though it’s the middle of the night, we all hear the howl of victory. I rush out of bed and begin getting dressed before turning back to Mason.

“Who do you think caught her?” I whisper so we don’t wake the twins.

He yawns, totally unconcerned. “No telling, but that was definitely an Alpha’s howl, so she’s a Luna now.” He says, rolling back over. “I’ll stay and watch the kids.”

I stare at his back for a moment. “Seriously? You’re not the least bit curious?”

He turns his head just enough to look at me. “You’ll tell me or I’ll find out in a few hours when I get up. Either way, it won’t change the outcome, love, and I need sleep.”

I frown at him before I finish getting dressed and rush out of the room. I’m just closing my door when Hana, Annabel and Mignon come rushing out of their rooms. We smile at each other and race down the stairs and out of the house.

“None of the guys cared to come find out who claimed her?” I ask them.

We all agree that our mates are the most uninquisitive men we’ve ever met.

“Asher even went so far as to say that he didn’t have to be nosey because I’m nosey enough for both of us. Imagine!” Mignon says, offended.

“The nerve of him.” Hana says.

“This isn’t being nosey, this is being curious.” Annabel clarifies.

“Curious and wanting to ensure that Katerina is safe and was claimed properly.” I say.

We all agree that those are our reasons and being nosey has nothing to do with it.

When we get to the back of the main packhouse, I see that nearly all of the claimants are there, watching to see who brings Katerina out. I notice the Alpha Jonas is front and center. We all know that he and his pack members weren’t invited to Katerina’s claiming, but in true Alpha fashion, he’s here to make sure that his previous pack mate is safe.

We watch as several warriors and omegas come out of the territory, all of them looking worn and weary. We catch snippets of their conversation.

“Never even saw her.”

“Never caught her scent.”

“Are we sure she was really in there?”

I look at the other Lunas. We all smile proudly. She gave them a good run, a good hunt.

“No wonder it was so quiet in there. They couldn’t find her.” Hana says.

“I wonder where she was.” Mignon says.

“The trees, like Jara was, I’ll bet.” Annabel says.

“Yeah, but the trees only lasted so long. I had to get down.

periodically for food and water.” And that’s when it dawns on me. If she was very careful, very stealthy, Katerina could have used the watering hole as her hiding spot. It would explain why no one ever caught her scent on the ground. She was always high in the sky.

“The watering hole on top of the cliff.” I tell them.

Just then, Alpha Quinton comes walking out of the territory. He also looks exhausted and run ragged…

“Has she come out yet?” He asks.


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