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The Claiming by Cooper novel Chapter 183

Layans Retum Chapter 28


I have been so excited to go into the claiming territory, to be claimed, to find my mate. Of course, finding out what really happened to Layan gave me pause, but I felt better after speaking to Alpha Davis. I had spent some additional time with Alpha Quinton, Alpha Luke and Alpha Jonas as well. Which had also made me feel better.

Of course, Alpha Luke is no longer eligible for my claim, since he caught Katerina. And now, I’ll be entering the territory tomorrow morning.

I’m laying awake on this, my last night in this bed before entering the territory. I’ve been staring at the ceiling for hours and I know I won’t get a wink of sleep tonight.

The idea of being claimed was great, in theory. I realized that I had a romanticized notion of what being hunted meant. I saw it as a fun, flirtation between me and a bunch of males. But now that it’s my turn, now that it’s here, all I can think about is how alone I’ll be. Tomorrow, I’ll be alone for the first time in my life when I walk into that territory. And the hunt, that once seemed like a flirtation, now feels like, well, a hunt. And I’m the prey.

I’ll be alone, hunted, claimed, maybe by someone I really want to claim me and maybe not. I had to choose 50 men. The idea seemed crazy at first. How would I only choose 50 out of nearly 400. Now, I wish I had only had to choose a few. I mean, what do I really know about any of them?

Alpha Davis is a good dancer. Super, so what? Although he did talk to me and help me see that things are different than they were for Layan last year. So, he’s patient and kind. And he is a great kisser.

Those are good things.

Alpha Quinton is funny, although he takes his job as Alpha very seriously. He’s the youngest of the three and while he’s not a great dancer like Alpha Davis, he also seems patient and kind.

Alpha Jonas is the oldest of the Alphas. I know about his relationship with Katerina’s mother, and I asked him whether he intended to continue that relationship when he was mated. He said he did not. So, that’s good. He’s a bit more broody than the other two, and while I’m sure he would be a good mate and everyone. says he’s a great Alpha, I don’t think he’d be very patient with me and my fun-loving personality.

There’s Beta Jared, too. Jonas’s brother. He’s less broody than his brother, a bit more relaxed. But he too has had a relationship with. Isabella and accidentally let it slip that he and his brother have. been with her at the same time. He insisted that he would never want that with his mate, but the bad feeling it left in me never went


There are others, warriors who seem very nice and are very attractive, but now that I’ve spent more time with them, thought about them more closely, I realized they aren’t smart and witty. Things that I want in a mate.

What if it’s one of them at that catches me? I won’t have a choice. I’ll wake up, marked by my mate. In our world, once I’m caught, that’s it, that’s your mate for life.

I haven’t been taking this claiming as seriously as I should have. I’ ve been thinking of it as a dating game rather than a battle for the rest of my life. And now my time is up.

When the sun finally begins to break over the horizon, I get up, getting dressed in my hunting clothes. I saw Katerina and the guys.

come out of the territory. Their legs and arms were scratched, some even had cuts on their faces or other parts of their bodies from running in the woods. Many were limping and they all looked exhausted.

I think that’s when it dawned on me. They won’t stop until someone catches me. I will be hunted non-stop for a week. I will have nowhere to go, no one to help me escape. I will truly be alone.

When I get downstairs, the Lunas are there to have breakfast with me. That is something else I didn’t appreciate until now. They are here to support us, this year’s claiming contestants, and I didn’t. take advantage of their kindness, their support.

When they talked to us about the claiming territory, I wasn’t even really paying attention. I didn’t think I’d need to know where all the hiding spots and caves and watering holes were. I was going to be the flirty girl that no one could capture.

Now, I’m regretting everything that I’ve done, or haven’t done up to this point. I’ve set myself up for failure and I’ll be lucky to last more than a day in the territory.

“McKenna? Do you want to come have some breakfast with us?” Luna Jara asks me.

I shake my head. “No, thank you. I don’t think I’d be able to keep it down.”

The four of them look at each other and as one, they come to me and wrap their arms around me. I begin to shake, fear gripping me and wrapping its ugly fingers in my gut.

“I’m so scared.” I say on a sob.

“Shhhh. You’re okay. You’ll be fine.” I hear their voices as they hug me, hold me and help to calm me.

The tears come and I reach out, grabbing onto them, holding on in my last morning before my entire life changes.

“Hey.” Hana takes my face in her hands, wiping my tears away. “It’ s going to be okay. Yes, it’s scary. Yes, it’s a hunt. But you’re a smart, clever girl. You can do this.”


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