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The Claiming by Cooper novel Chapter 187

Layans Retum Chapter 32 Jara


When Davis comes out carrying McKenna, along with the other Alphas, I hear Elijah’s low purr of happiness. I can feel it through our pack bond. He is now the only ranked member in Layan’s claim now. The odds of him being able to claim her are high.

It was a much shorter hunt than I was expecting, only a few days. I check McKenna over and even though it’s been a short amount of time, she looks like she hasn’t eaten since she got into the


“I think missing that first day really set her up to get caught more easily.” Davis tells me, looking at her. “Honestly, she’s been crossing her scent trails, doubling back on them, but it was too late. Once we were in the territory, there were too many of us for her to try and avoid.”

“How did you catch her?” I ask him, turning to walk toward the packhouse with him as he carries her inside.

Davis gives me a smug smile. “The other Alphas chased her right into my arms.”

I shake my head at him. “Do you want me to send some food up t you?” I ask him.

“No, I’ll wait and eat when she gets up. For now, I just want to get her tucked into bed. I feel the need to be close to her.”

“I understand that.” Mason says, coming to stand beside me and wrapping an arm around me.

“How long were you out, Luna?” He asks me.

I look at Mason, who looks at me. “Several hours. But Jara almost made it out of the claiming territory, and she didn’t have food for most of those days.” He tells Davis, his eyes never leaving mine.

Davis starts to walk up to his room. “Have Luke and Katerina emerged yet?” He asks.

“No, but we’ve heard them moving around, so we know she’s awake.”

He nods. “I’ll talk to you soon, then.” He says.


“Yes, Luna?”


“Thank you. I know we’ll be happy together.” He says before walking upstairs.

I blow out a breath. Mason pulls me to his chest, kissing the top of my head.

“Are you okay?” He asks, knowing I’m worrying about Layan.

“I need to be. If she can go into the territory again after everything that happened to her, I can be strong for her.”

“You, my love, have never let anyone down, including yourself. There’s no way you’ll let Layan down when she needs you most.”

I lean into my mate, wrapping my arms around him and letting him hold me.

“You can do this. She can do this. The odds just went way up that Elijah will claim her. And then, she’ll be one of our pack mates and your Beta female.”

I chuckle at that before looking up at him. “Can you do me a



I smile because I know he would do anything for me.

“Will you watch the kids tonight? I have an idea of how to help Layan.”

He snorts. “Do you think your mother will let me? I mean seriously, I love having a grandmother for them, but when she’s around I barely get a moment with them.”

“If my plan works, I think Mom is going to be busy tonight.” I tell him.

“Oh, do tell.” He says, taking my hand and walking me back to our housing.

I tell him my plan as we walk back. When we get close, I stop, looking at the house. “I have a lot of good memories here.”

“As do I.” He says, standing beside me.

I turn to him. “But I’ll be happy to get back to our home, our pack, our lives.”

“Me too. We have our lives to live and now that things are improving, it feels like the packs have hope where they didn’t before.”

When we get inside, Layan isn’t there. “I think I saw her with Elijah again.” Annabel says, while rocking and nursing her little one.


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