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The Claiming by Cooper novel Chapter 188

Layan’s Retum Chapter 33 Mason


I can’t sleep without my mate beside me. I try, I honestly do, but it’ s not working at all.

I finally get up checking on the twins before heading into the hall to check on the Lunas, passing Antonio on the way. He chuckles. “I passed Asher on my way down to check on them and he passed Seth.”

I guess we all had the same idea. And none of us could sleep.

Now, I stand back, watching the Lunas walk Layan to the edge of the territory. I continue to be impressed with Layan and her resilience. When she lifts her head and enters the territory, I want to clap for her. She really is special. And I REALLY hope my Beta claims her.

I watch as, not unexpectedly, Elijah finds a spot on the grass outside the claiming territory. He won’t move until it’s time to enter the territory.

I walk up to Jara, kissing her cheek. “It’s my turn today, love.”

She turns and looks at Elijah and nods. “Take care of our Beta.” She says before heading back to the housing.

I spend some time on the phone with my Gamma Luke, making sure everyone who has returned to the pack got home safely and letting him know that Layan went into the claiming today.

“So, we’ll be home in a week at the latest.” I tell him.

“Hopefully with a new pack member in tow.” He says.

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“His biggest competition was Davis, and he caught McKenna, so have high hopes.” I say.

When lunch is served, I get two plates of food, bringing them back out and sitting beside Elijah.

“This is like déjà vu only the roles are reversed.” I tell him.

He takes the plate of food, chuckling, but his gaze remains fixed on the territory.

“Do you know what she’s going in there?” I ask him.

“I have no idea. There’s been a lot of crashing and what sounds like branches breaking. She’s not big enough to cause those branches to fall if she’s standing on them, so I’m not sure what’s going on.”

I sit with him during the afternoon. And when dinner is served, I bring him dinner as well, sitting next to him. The crashing has stopped, and it’s quiet again.

“I need to tell you something, Mason.” Elijah says, still not looking

at me.

He rarely calls me Mason. When he does, I know that whatever he says is personal not about the pack.

Now he does turn and look at me. “I decided before I left the pack that if I don’t claim Layan, I’m not going back.”

I raise an eyebrow at him. “Excuse me?”

He shakes his head, looking down. “I can’t go back to how things were, not knowing that she’s with someone else. I can’t. I don’t know why but the thought of her being with anyone else….I can’t be around it, I can’t see it. It would break me.” He says and his

voice catches.


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