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The Claiming by Cooper novel Chapter 3


I’ve packed my things. I won’t be coming back here unless I’m extremely lucky. Seth, on the other hand, is packing for six weeks. There is a week before the claiming begins where the claimants can get to know the females eligible for the claim. It’s also the time where the rules are announced and agreed to by all contenders, and the lotteries are drawn. This year, only the first four lotteries will be pulled. Everyone left after the first four claims will be eligible to join my claim.

I hug my parents goodbye. I told them they didn’t have to come this year. They had such high hopes for Mila. Going back to the claiming would only traumatize them, having to remember the last time they ever saw their daughter. I want our last time together to be positive, and I have to hope that I’ll be coming home with Seth. If not, this may be the last time I ever see my parents. It will be dependent on the one who claims me and if he allows me to visit. Alpha Typhon never let my sister out of his sight.

My mother is hugging me and sobbing, terrified that I’ll end up like my sister. My father finally has to come and force her to let me go. She then hugs Seth, knowing she’ll see him soon. He’ll be back one way or the other, only the females are forced to move to the male’s packs.

My father hugs me tightly. “Remember everything I’ve taught you, Jara. You’re strong, smart and fast. Use everything you know to stay safe. And if it gets to the point where you won’t get out unclaimed, you make the choice. You choose who gets to mark you.”

“I will dad. Thank you, for everything. I love you both and I hope to

see you soon.”

As Seth and I pull away, I wave to my parents. My father has hist arm wrapped around my mother’s shoulders, standing stoically as she sobs against his chest. Just before we turn down the road to the claiming, I see him wipe a tear from his face. I look away, I have to stay strong, and seeing my father break down will break me. He’s an Alpha male, they don’t cry or show any weakness. My father has always been the strength of our family and our pack. I hate that this is breaking him.

“I heard they had to expand the apartments and the territory this year because of the large number of claimants.” Seth says as we drive.

“I’m not surprised. I bet they have guards for us too. With this. many males and so many of them Alpha males, they’ll need to make sure that none of us are claimed before we make it to the ceremony.”

Seth gives me a side eye glance, a smile twitching at his lips. “I’d like to see any one of them try to mark you outside the claim.”

“Most of them will be lucky to mark me inside the claim.” I say snarkily, earning a full-on smile from my brother.

We spend our trip going over the biggest competitors for Seth which also makes them my biggest concerns.

“Alpha Mason and his Beta, Elijah, are in the competition again this year.”

“I saw that.”

“He doesn’t seem so bad.” Seth says.

I turn and look at him. “Why does that matter?”

“I heard what dad said to you. I’m just saying, both of them and their pack have a good reputation.”

“Have you met either of them?”

“They were both at the last two claimings, and I think they might have been at Mila’s too. I spoke to them briefly, but I could tell that neither of them was happy that Typhon claimed her.”

“Of course, they weren’t. It meant that they didn’t claim her.”

“No, it was more than that. It was like they had no respect for him. I wasn’t in her claim, obviously, so I don’t know exactly what happened, but it apparently wasn’t something that was illegal. Otherwise, his claim would have been contested.”

“Well, we know he’s an asshole that doesn’t care that our female population is nearly depleted. All he cares about is getting an heir.”

I mull over what Seth said as we pull into the claiming territory. There’s a line to get into the territory. It looks like there is a gate and guards checking people in.

“Is it always like this?” I ask Seth.

“No, this is new. I guess you were right about the guards.”

It’s nearly a half an hour before we get to the gate. Seth rolls his window down.


“Seth and Jara Lykos.”


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