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The Claiming by Cooper novel Chapter 4


When we arrive at the claiming territory, it’s a madhouse. The line to get in was ridiculous, made longer as we had to wait while a car in front of us was surrounded by an escort and taken away.

“Which one do you think that was?” Elijah asks beside me.

“The Alpha or the Beta, if I had to guess.”

We finally make our way through, getting the explanation that if we were to go into the sectioned off area for the females without prior approval, we will be shot on sight. The penalty, if you survived the silver bullet, is disqualification from this and all future claimings.

“They mean business. The security has never been like this before.”

“We’ve never had a claiming like this before, at least not in recent years.”

As we turn toward the main house, we can see the driveway to the females temporary housing. We’ve been given a map and the clearly identified ‘off-limits’ areas. I’m guessing that they are not only marked on the map, but also around their building as well.

When we get to the main house, we wait to get our parking spot, then we wait in line to check in. Housing is limited and rather than housing the females in the same building as some of the males, they have them in their own building and are doubling us up. Thankfully, Elijah and I are in the same room.

When we’re finally checked in, we grab out bags and get to our room. Tonight, we won’t see the contestants for this year’s

claiming. However, starting tomorrow morning, I’ll get my first look at my future mate.

Once we’ve gotten settled in our room, Elijah and I agree to go back downstairs and begin to meet our competition. I know not everyone here is a ranked werewolf, so I’ll be interested to get a feel for the general energy of the wolves in attendance.

When we get downstairs, there is a buzz of excitement in the air. It’ s magnifying as more wolves join the group. If the elders aren’t careful, this energy could get out of control very easily. There are too many of us and everyone wants to find their mate. Knowing they are within reach, only makes it that much more tantalizing.

As Elijah and I watch, a fight breaks out, the two fighters shifting. One is obviously a ranked wolf and the other an omega. Omegas are not built to handle this level of masculine energy and it’s possible that he mouthed off to the wrong wolf. The battle is over quickly as the ranked wolf snaps the neck of the omega, leaving him dead on the floor.

I check to make sure my omegas are all safe and notice that they are subtly moving toward me and Elijah. If this turns into an all-out battle, they are safest beside the two of us.

“Someone needs to get this shitshow under control before it becomes a melee of teeth and claws.” Elijah says just as someone walks in with an airhorn. The sound is loud to humans, it’s practically unbearable to shifters.

“The ceremony hasn’t even officially started, and we’ve already lost a wolf. I would suggest that you get yourselves under control, or you will find yourselves disqualified.” An older werewolf says, moving to the front of the room.

A couple of claimants snarl at this and the airhorn goes off, all of

us clutching our ears.


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