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The Lycan Kingpin's Captive: A Baby For The Beast novel Chapter 60

Maxim left sometime during the night and didn’t even bother to say goodbye to me. I don’t know what I was thinking anyway, after we fucked last night, I ran to my bedroom and left him standing there.

I know it was stupid! But I couldn’t face him after what we did, knowing I willingly gave myself to him like that made me feel cheap. We hate-fucked, it’s the worst kind but also the kind that sticks with you.

What's even worse than this is that I won't be seeing Maxim for a while; I’ll probably be gone by the time he comes back. There will be no time for us to talk about this; but do I honestly want us to talk about it?

Argh, this is going to drive me crazy. Perhaps I should speak to the Alpha about not sending me away until Maxim gets back; but would he listen to me, though?

Before I can wallow more, my bedroom door bursts open and I nearly scream… only to see the Gamma’s brides and Luna Mia streaming in and jumping onto my bed.


“We’re hijacking you for the day,” Eden says as she gets under the blankets with me and Alessia joins her on the other side.

“We have a full day planned, so you better get your ass out of bed!” she says as she blocks me from actually getting out of bed and I scoff incredulously.

“Wha… Maxim won’t be happy that so many people are in his house!” is the only thing I can think of saying and they all look at each other before laughing like they know something I don’t.

“Don’t worry about that, Maxim gave us permission to keep you company here,” Luna Mia says and sees my uneasiness, so she gestures for the other ladies to get off the bed. “Let’s give Xiomara her space while she gets ready, girls.”

They follow Luna Mia towards the door and when they’re all gone; she turns around to face me. “Put on something comfortable; we’re here to be your friends and try to help where we can, even if it doesn’t feel that way,” she says before closing the door and giving me privacy.

Great. I wanted to spend the day wallowing and now I have to spend it entertaining women I can’t allow myself to get close to. I’m leaving soon, Luna Mia knows this, so why doesn’t she just leave me be?

Sighing, I drag myself out of bed to the shower and afterward I throw on something comfortable before heading downstairs. They came out here for me, so I might as well play nice, too.

I find all congregating in the kitchen, unpacking brown bags of groceries and chatting amongst themselves. There’s not just normal food but chocolates and all sorts of unhealthy snacks and bottles of wine and champagne.

They’re all dressed like me: sweats, tank tops, and walking barefoot. I think I might just like this.

“Did I miss some sort of invitation to this party?” I say, amused, as I walk towards the kitchen island.

Luna Mia chuckles. “We’re attempting to do a mezze, but the girls don’t seem to be into something so basic-”

“I said we should do a chocolate charcuterie, but obviously I was shot down,” Eden quips with a roll of her eyes. “So I need you to convince them to do one, Xiomara!”

Gianna groans. “That would just mean we have to spend more hours in the gym burning that chocolate off! And I love chocolate more than anyone, but I hate the gym more,” she protests before turning back to the platter in front of her

“A chocolate charcuterie? You mean, just with chocolates?” I ask, secretly loving the idea and when she nods, I can feel my mouth water. “Hmm, that sounds like heaven!”

Eden squeals and turns to Luna Mia with a hand on her hip. “See?! Someone agrees!”

Luna Mia pinches the bridge of her nose and gestures between me and Eden. “Then you two create the platter while we do the others. Goddess, we’re going to leave here filled up with rubbish and I’ll be to blame!” she exclaims and a chorus of giggles follow.

My heart clenches at how easy this is with them. I’ve never had friends in the past, and never got too close to anyone but being around these women makes me want to get to know them better. How can I be mourning something I never had?

When we’re done with the platters, we take everything through to the covered deck at the back of the house. It’s a bit chilly out, but I see someone has already lit the fireplace so the space is nice and warm.

After setting the low table, we sat down with me taking up a corner space and Gianna sitting down next to me and Eden next to her. As everyone falls into easy conversation, Gianna turns to me.

“Divan and Romano left with Maxim this morning,” she says, offering me a smile. “So the three of us will be without them for a while, I think.”

A while - that could be between a few days and a few months. Either way, I doubt I’ll see Maxim again and that sort of brings me down more. I shouldn’t have run away last night; but then again, I didn’t know I’d be feeling like this today.

I breathe out a sigh and Eden’s gaze snaps toward me. “They do this often, don’t worry! Romano usually sneaks back in the middle of the night after he’s been away, then it all goes back to normal,” she says, reaching over to pat my hand, but I shake my head.

“It’s not… It’s not that. Maxim and I… last night we - well, something happened.” I say, looking up, I see their wide eyes and bite my bottom lip. “We argued, had sex, and then I ran away from him.”

Gods, that sounds even worse when I say it out loud.


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