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The Lycan Kingpin's Captive: A Baby For The Beast novel Chapter 61


Three weeks in and we’ve finally decided to infiltrate the insurgent Rogue pack. Ghost and Descry are out circling the perimeter, while I’m checking my weapons knowing that shifting won’t help in this case even if my wolf is powerful.

To take these fuckers down, I need to think like a hunter. This pack has decimated two new ones integrating with ours, so it’s my duty to remove them. They’re Mikhail loyalists and our direct enemy, so we have to be on our toes.

Throughout this, I have to force myself not to think about my last night with Xiomara. She fit me perfectly, both her pussy and her mouth. I didn’t want to stop; I wanted to get lost in her, wanted to fucking give myself to her and tell her we can stop the bullshit.

But then a look of shame filled her as she swallowed me down and she bolted before I could tell her I wanted this and so much more. I knew she wouldn’t listen to me, not when she felt ashamed of what I made her feel.

And now all I can see is that look in her eyes and the scent of lavender haunts me.

What if she’s gone by the time I get home and we never sort this out between us? What if her father has collected her and another bride stood waiting for me? I know she wants her freedom and I hate to keep it from her, but I want her more than she wants that freedom.

No other woman would do; not a fucking chance.

/“Only one guard out front during this supposed big meeting, they’re getting brave,”/ Ghost calls over the mind link with a laugh. /“We can proceed, Beta Maxim,”/

Only one guard? That cannot be a good sign, especially with these big Rogue names attending.

/“Anything from your side, Descry?”/ I ask when I realize he’s been a bit too quiet.

/“Nothing here. I can’t listen in on the meeting, though; either witchcraft or silver, but neither makes sense.”/ He answers and a sliver of unease coils in my stomach. Descry has never been uncertain about things… /“Silver would harm the fuckers too, so it can’t be that.”/

I breathe out a sigh and holster my weapons; we need to do this now before we think of more excuses not to do it. /“Let’s get this over with,”/ I say.

If only I knew that I would regret those words later.

The second I stepped into their perimeter, ten fucking wolves descended on me and attempted to rip me apart. It was a fucking ambush. The cunts knew we were here all this time and we played right into their hands.

The searing feel of their teeth locking on my flesh had me roaring in anger and pain, but I pulled out my daggers and managed to kill them one by one. A cut to the belly and their guts spilled out like a pinata. Luckily, I got the worse of the ambush and killed the fucking attack dogs before the other two got here.

Three more wolves run toward me at the same time, and I lift my arm to fire my Beretta housing silver and wolfsbane bullets. I nearly missed the shots because of my wounds, clipping them by their shoulders instead, but the following two hits were right on target.

Bloodied and in fucking pain, I move forward even as they lunge at me because I know one misstep and I die here. I was leading the other two and got most of the damage with the silver bombs, but I knew this was far from over.

A bullet misses my head by inches and I can feel the heat as it zooms past me. /“We need those fucking bombs, Ghost!”/ I call over the mind link and not even two seconds later, I see the bombs fly into the pack house and the place fills up with wolfsbane gas.

Taking a breath, I turn and rush into the pack house, shooting whoever is blocking my path even as the stench of wolfsbane threatens to drop me to my knees. Descry and Ghost are behind me, I hear their weapons and smell their scents so I leave them be and head toward the three cowering figures Niko sent me to kill.

I have to get out of here as soon as possible and complete the mission. I cannot die here with this painful regret laying heavy in my heart not after I tried to fool myself into thinking I didn’t want that woman.

Five minutes later, I managed to take out their leaders before finally going down myself.

Lavender and sweet jasmine beckon me… I need to go home… I need her.



His hands are all over my body and when he slides his tongue through my pussy, my grip on his hair tightens. I’ve wanted this for so long, wanted to give in to the one man who infuriates me to no end, and now I am.

He drives me crazy and gets me wet and I don’t know which I love more.

A crash downstairs has me jumping out of bed and my heart starts thumping wildly in my chest. Wait, was I just having a sex dream about Maxim? Gods, another one - that’s four this week alone!

But I put it out of my head because I hear another tumble and crash sounds downstairs and I rush out towards the door without thinking. This is a closed-off estate, so what the hell is happening?


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