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The Prince’s Unwilling mate by Mutya the Author novel Chapter 3

And of course, it is Jason, Hannah’s brother who sometimes helps his sister and her little band of bitc*es.

“Come on Sis, Kate will be home in two hours, let me explain why she hasn’t told you yet don’t be stubborn” Daniel’s voice calls out through the mindlink.

I was on my way home but if I told him I was delayed because of the five wolves circling me he would lose it, I told him about the bullying but made him promise not to get involved and I never asked for his help. And I am not starting today, he takes after Dad set to be the next lead warrior. He loves his family and he would get involved. Which would cause Mom and Dad to find out.

“What is it this time Hannah” I ask her through my mindlink.

Not wanting to shift back to my human form because I stand a better chance like this.

“I heard you are going to the ball hosted by the royal family. Do you really think you are fit to be the queen? The Luna of all Luna’s if you are unfit to be the Luna of our pack” Hannah scoffs.

I should have known it was her jealousy again, as I heard some rumors David had told her he wanted to have her as his chosen mate. Moon Goddess knows they have been mating. However, according to the rumors, Hannah did not want to complete the mating process. Because she wanted to be unmated for the prince’s ball. Hoping she would either be his second chance mate. Or his chosen mate, fully delusional that she has all it takes to be the next Queen.

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While I am not looking forward to this event, and I knew the Prince would never choose me. I did know that the royal family is seen as kind and fair. I imagine the future queen had to possess those same qualities, meaning it could never be Hannah. The smart thing was to keep my mouth shut. Not egg her on more, so that I could maybe walk away with just some hurtful remarks hurled at me. If I would just take all her insults and let it go that would be enough for her. Shame, that I wasn’t wise, I was stubborn and I would never let anyone get away with offending me.

“You’ve got a lot of l*p for someone who the Moon Goddess herself deemed barely worthy of an Omega. You think the royal family won’t see you for the garbage you are?”

Like clockwork, their growls and snaps told me I was about to get another beating.

“Stop it right now, what the hell do you think you are doing five against one?”

An unfamiliar voice boomed through the forest clearing where all of this was about to happen.

I looked up to see someone wearing the royal sigil on his jacket. Everyone shifted back to their human forms. Awkward tension filled the air, I was the only one who brought my clothes with me. So I qc****y got dressed again.

Ignoring the royal sigil either out of pure stu**dity or pure arrogance Hannah still buck n*ked faced the man.

“Who are you to interfere with pack business, even if you are a se**ant of the royal family here on whatever business”

It’s not my business how she addresses the man who just helped me. Hell, I am a little annoyed he felt the need to get involved too. Hannah’



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s obsessions with ranks and feeling better than any low-ranked wolves gets to me. She has no rank yet, her father is the Beta but she is like me still an unmated she-wolf without a rank. The stranger chuckles when he notices me rolling my eyes. He doesn’t comment on his rank, I can sense he is not an omega. Hannah would be able to notice too if she just used her brain for a second. The authority in his voice was not that of an omega.

“My ranking or pack has no bearing on my interrupting your cowardice. No wolf should deem themselves unworthy enough to attack a single wolf in a group. Honestly, I don’t know if I am praying to the Moon Goddess that you are mated so you won’t come to the royal ball. Or to pray you are unmated to spare other wolves from having a mate as horrnd*ous as you are” He scoffs, even his wording suggests he is far more than an Omega.


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