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The Shark Mafia Boss novel Chapter 19

Raphael POV

My phone vibrates and I pick it up from my suit jacket inside pocket. I see it is from Olivia, when I open the message I see her pouting her lips as in sending a kiss and wearing an extremely revealing red dress.

My heart skips a beat and I start ringing her, no answer.

I get up and everyone looks at me

“I'm sorry gentleman, but I have an important matter that needs my attention” – I see that Tim takes over and keeps the meeting going.

I leave the meeting room and walk into my office, let my tie loosen up a little, and open the top button of my shirt. My blood is boiling, why isn’t she answering her phone?

I sit on the chair facing my desk and pass my hand through my hair and I try to call her again, this time she rejects my call.

Oh fuck no. she won’t do that to me.

I call Joseph and he answers almost immediately

“I need Olivia’s location”


“Find out where she is, call the guard that was on-call tonight and tell me where she is”

“Won’t take long boss”

I hang up and I open the first drawer and I grab my car keys, my wallet, and my phone from the table and I walk towards the lift.

I stop at my secretary’s desk

“Apologise for my leaving, if Tim can’t get the deal done reschedule the meeting for Monday morning, I won’t be available all weekend so take care of all my meetings, reschedule them for some time next week, any problems contact Tim”

She bats her lashes at me and smiles “yes boss” – I fucked her a couple of times, and I know she wants to fuck me now, but I need to find Olivia and take her out of that dress, men must be drooling all over her. She is MINE.

I get into my private lift and press the button for the garage, when I get there I walk towards my car, I open the door put the key in, and start the car. My phone rings and goes to the car speaker

“Talk to me Joseph” – I say

“Boss she is in Manhattan in a bar”

“What bar?” – I ask getting annoyed.

“Bemelmans Bar”

“Get my name on the list”

“Already done boss”

I hung up and drive like a mad man, when I arrive I do the button on my shirt and make my tie look perfect. I park the car in the car park and walk to the door. When the hostess sees me she opens a big smile “Mr. Lockwood, welcome”

I nod my head and she allows me inside. I start looking for Olivia and I see her with a red-haired girl that looks like Anna and 2 Guys. One of them has his hand on her leg and I can see that she is uncomfortable. Anna keeps passing her shots and Olivia is drinking them.

She is going to get smashed easily. I walk to the bar and order myself a dry martini and I sit, never taking my eyes off of her.

The guy keeps rubbing his thumb onto her skin and I’m almost losing the plot, but we are in public and I have a reputation to maintain.

It’s been about 1 hour since I arrived and she keeps drinking and the guy has now an arm around her waist and I can feel my blood boiling.

The four of them get up and go to the small dance floor and I can see his hands on her hips while she rubs her ass against him, she looks happy, she is smiling, laughing, talking, and dancing, she looks so free. They guy starts to place kisses on her neck and my hands tightened into fists and I take a deep breath, she is MINE, so I walk over to her and push him away and replace him.

I can feel her grinding against me, and I can feel my cock getting hard. She feels it too and she turns around to slap me and I grab her hand.

Her eyes go wide and she says my name between her teeth.

“Olivia” – I say

Her eyes look into mine as if looking for my soul, out bodies get closer together and we keep dancing, she places her hands around my neck and my hands find her ass.

I feel someone pushing me and Olivia loses balance and almost falls. I manage to get a hold of her.

“Hey get your hands off of her” – the guy says to me

“And what if I don’t?” – I say with a smirk on my face

Olivia holds my arms and tries to push me away

“Raphael please, let go, let’s get out of here”

I look at the guy and he grabs her arm

“You slut, you were with me, and now you want to leave with this dickhead?”

I push Olivia behind me and she hugs her friend that is only looking with her blue eyes wide in shock.


“What will you do hein? Tough Guy” – he says to me


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