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The Shark Mafia Boss novel Chapter 4

Olivia POV

I wake up still on my sofa with the light and the TV on, I look at the clock on the wall and I jump out off the sofa as I am late for work, I won't have time to wash my hair.

"Shit, shit, I forgot to set my alarm"

I walk into the bathroom and strip my clothes from the day before, I tie my hair into a messy bun and I turn on the shower and jump inside, I clean the dry blood from my knees and it hurts still. "You are so stupid Liv" - I say to myself getting out of the shower and wrapping myself on a towel.

I turn the music on, on my phone and sing along while getting dressed, the music stops and my phone rings. I grab it and it's Lucas.

"Hey Liv, good morning, can you grab me a latte on your way to work?"

"Good morning, yes but I will be a couple of minutes late, sorry"

"Don't worry about it, class today doesn't start until ten am and we have a Guest speaker today"

I look at the time and it's seven-thirty and I sight.

"Yeah I know" - shit I forgot it was Friday today and the class is later.

"Ok see you then" – I reply a little annoyed with myself.

"Bye" I answer

After getting dressed I walk out of my building to find a town car parked in front of my building and the driver looks at me "Miss Black?" - He calls me

"Yes that's me, can I help you?"

"This car is for you Miss" - he says

My jaw drops opened "fuck, did Lucas sent me a car?"

"No miss, was Mr Lockwood"

When I hear that name my mind explodes. Lockwood, Raphael Lockwood, it was him yesterday, how could've I been so stupid? I’ve seen photos of him on the tabloids, always with a different woman.

"Oh, tell him thanks but I am ok getting the ferry"- I say offering the driver a smile and I walk away leaving the poor men hanging. But who the fuck did he think he was to send me a car? I owe him nothing, well except my life, but I don't need his charity. I hate being patronised. And oh boy he fucked up big time.

I walk towards the ferry, paying my fee and walking to the top floor of the boat, I like to sit outside and Look at the city while I am arriving. I open my bag and take my book out and I start reading. When we get to Manhattan I put my book back and I click my heels going down the steps to get out of the ferry, then I run to the subway so I can get to NYU.

I hate the smell on the subway and I start to think that if I accepted the town car I wouldn't have to deal with that smell. When I get to my stop I come out and walk into Starbucks and wait in Line completely distracted by the song that was playing,

"Can I help?" I hear the barista say

"Hi, can I please have a large Latte and a large Mocha please?"

"Sure, what’s the name?”

“Olivia” – I say while she writes the name on the takeaway cups

“It's 8.80$" – she says offering me a smile

I get ready to pay "Here you go" and I give her money, as I get the change and start walking to the end of the counter to wait for the drinks I bump into a big, masculine, hard body

"S-Sorry, Fuck" I let it come out of my mouth as I look at him, Raphael Lockwood dressed in a dark grey suit and a white shirt, the first button was undone and fuck me my legs felt weak to see him dressed like that.

"Would be my pleasure" he smirks


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