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The Wrath Of The Shadow Wolf novel Chapter 15

Riona is inside of her office with a middle age couple, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel who had come to solicit with Riona to consider their child, Trevor as a beneficiary in the ongoing project of Rennet Aid. They are low income earners and would be very happy if Trevor would benefit in the exchange students program.

It has been a long time since Riona was informed that Mr. and Mrs. Daniel have requested to have a meeting with her. But because of Riona’s busy schedule, she and has been unable to honour their request immediately and had shifted the appointment with them to this day.

“You are welcome Mr. and Mrs. Daniel. Sorry I have to fix this meeting for today as I have received your request a long time ago but believe me, I have been indisposed” Riona said.

“We are very aware of that Riona and we are most obliged to have you honour our request even when you do not have to see us” Mr. Daniel replied.

“I am glad you understand Mr. Daniel” Riona said.

“What can I offer you?” Riona offered.

“We are fine, no need to bother” Mr. Daniel replied.

Okay, I went through your letter and it says that it has to do with the current project of Rennet Aid. So what is it about if I may ask” Riona asked.

“Please Riona, it is about our son, Trevor. He has never ceased to talk about the ongoing project. He so much wish to be part of your exchange students and we would be honoured if his wish comes to pass” Mrs. Daniel said.

“We know we should not have come over to your office to discuss this with you since there are protocols that we should observe. But we have to do this because of how much Trevor believes that he would get this” Mr. Daniel added.

“And since he believes so much in himself, why come here? You should have let his belief work for him” Riona questioned.

“Maybe our belief is not as strong as his and we are sorry for that. But you see, we have three kids, two boys and a girl. Trevor who is our Second son, is the brightest among them. And the fact that we cannot provide for all his needs makes us feel bad. We really hope that he gets this opportunity with the other kids” Mrs. Daniel replied.

“And what is his name again, I mean your son?” Riona asked.

“Trevor, he is Trevor Daniel” Mr. Daniel responded.

“And how old is Trevor” Riona asked.

“He is twelve years old” Mrs. Daniel replied.

“Mr. and Mrs. Daniel, I do appreciate the fact that you would go the extra length for your son, Trevor Daniel. And I promise that if he qualifies for this opportunity, that I would make sure that he gets it” Riona said.

“Thank you so much Riona, we are certain that he would qualify” Mrs. Daniel said.

“Thank you for this Riona, we are most grateful” Mr. Daniel added.

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel are very happy to get the assurance from Riona. Even though she has not expressly promised to have Trevor in her program, the fact that she has said that she would ensure that he benefits from her program once he is qualified was enough assurance to them as they are very sure that Trevor would meet the necessary qualifications. And also, knowing Riona’s personality, they believed that she might go out of her way to help them.

“So have you made a formal application yet?” Riona asked.

“Yes we have. We did that the very day that we heard about the program” Mrs. Daniel responded.

Over the years, Riona has had the privilege of meeting folks from the average homes like Mr. and Mrs. Daniel on regular basis and so she understands exactly how they feel. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel are parents that desperately need to give their child what he craves for but are unfairly held back by financial constraints.

She loves that eagerness and willingness to go the extra length just so their child would get what he wants.

“Very well Mrs. Daniel. I would ensure to take my time and look into Trevor’s application” Riona guaranteed.

“We would be honoured if you do. Thank you so much” Mr. Daniel said.

“Thank you so much Riona, you are a darling” Mrs. Daniel added.

Riona blushed as she heard all the praises from Mr. and Mrs. Daniel and she replied “You are welcome”.

“We beg to take our leave now. We are most grateful for the hospitality” Mr. Daniel said.

“You are most welcome Mr. and Mrs. Daniel” Riona replied.

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel got up and walk out of the office.

After they had left, Riona picks up the intercom and calls her secretary.

“Hello Mary. Please ask Cindy to come into my office immediately” Riona said into the receiver.

“Yes ma” Mary replied from her end.

Riona continued with laptop until Cindy arrived.


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