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The Wrath Of The Shadow Wolf novel Chapter 16

When Cindy approached Riona's house, she drove the car slowly and parked in front of the house.

“Thanks Cindy” Riona said as soon as Cindy stopped the car.

She opened the door and got out of the car.

“You are welcome, Rio. We would see some other time” Cindy replied.

“Not so fast. My dad is in and I think you should say hello before you leave” Riona suggested.

However, Cindy felt it was not necessary to speak with Wright so she objected to Riona's request “Is there any need for that? He might be busy”

But Riona was not taking no for an answer “I think I insist Cindy. Just for a minute or two. Today has been a long day for the two of us and I would like you to come in and relax a bit. I must say a thank you to you” she persuaded.

Cindy knew that there was no point trying to resist Riona’s request as this wasn’t the first time that Riona would be making such an offer and all her resistance has always yielded no result. With this, she got down from the car to obey Riona’s demand.

“If you say so, but I still don’t see any need for that” Cindy insisted.

“Thanks Cindy” Riona smiled.

Riona was happy that she was able to get Cindy to do her biddings so she gladly went to her, pulled her by the hands and led her inside.

When they entered the house, Wright was sitting on the couch with his laptop.

“Hey dad, see who we have here” Riona announced Cindy’s presence.

In reaction to Riona's announcement, Wright looked up to. When he saw that Riona was referring to Cindy, he smiled

“Wow, and who do we have here?” He exclaimed.

“Hello Mr. Wright, I am so glad to see you” Cindy said.

“The pleasure is mine, Cindy. Please come and have a seat” Wright invited Cindy to come and sit by him.

Cindy went to sit down beside Wright. “Thanks so much Mr. Wright”.

“Dad, Cindy was a great help to me today, I wonder what I would have done without her” Riona announced.

“Thanks for that, Cindy. I do appreciate your zeal towards the organization” Wright said.

“It is nothing Mr. Wright, I am paid to do what I do and since it is already what I love doing, I just have to put in my best. And moreover, we didn’t really do much today” Cindy tried to make it not appear as mighty as Riona had narrated.

“I beg to disagree with that. Dad, we actually visited three homes today. If not for Cindy, I would not have been able to achieve that much” Riona countered.

“Cindy, I must say that you are doing a great job. You don’t need to admit it, but I see it” Wright complimented.

“And I must say a big thank you for that” Wright added.

“I am honoured sir” Cindy responded.

Riona went to stand beside Wright “What are you working on dad?” she asked.

Wright turned to Riona and replied “I am working from home dear. I need to clear my table if I intend to be able to afford the vacation that I promised you”

“Oh that. Can I help you with anything? I would not want to miss it either” Riona offered.

“There are just little finishes, honey. I just noticed that I have so much work lurking behind so I intend to go over them and direct my Personal Assistant on what to do” Wright explained.

“Okay dad” Riona replied and sat on her dad’s legs.

“And what do you want, Rio?” Wright asked.

He knew that Riona sitting on his legs would only mean one thing, which was that she was about to make a request so he decided to save her the stress of going over that and go straight to the point.

“About the vacation dad, I would like Cindy to come with us. You see, she has worked so hard all along and I would like her to take some time off to relax at least before our big project kicks off” Riona requested.

“Sure Rio, I agree with you that she has worked really hard and so that would be great” Wright said.

Wright turns to Cindy “What do you think?” he asked her.

“Actually Mr. Wright, I would have objected to the offer but knowing that Rio does not take a no for an answer I might as well go along with it” Cindy replied.

“And now, that is my girl. You are learning at last” Riona laughed.

“So talking about your big project, how is the sponsorship coming along?” Wright asked.

“So far it has been good. I am thinking of either stopping the receipt of donations or increasing our intake. Increasing our intake would be the best option, but my fear is management. We did not make adequate preparations to take care of more kids” Riona explained her plight to Wright.

“I understand Rio, and that is why you’ve got J.M.L.S to take care of that” Wright said.

“J.M.L.S, who are they?” Riona asked.

“That is Johnson Maeve Logistics and Statistics. It’s Maeve’s company. They can adequately take care of that no matter the number” Wright explained.


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