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The Wrath Of The Shadow Wolf novel Chapter 17

“Hey Rio, could you come down and meet our guests?”

Riona could hear her dad’s voice calling her from the sitting room downstairs. She was sitting on her bed and was going through her laptop when her dad called. She wondered who could be the person that wanted to see her today.

Frankly speaking, she was not in the mood to meet anyone right this moment but she just had to go to meet the visitors since she did not know who they were nor was she aware of the purpose of their visit.

Riona was already out of her room and was on her way to meet with the guests when her dad called out to her again.


“I am on my way dad” she responded.

She hastened her steps to meet up with whomever that her dad wanted her to meet. It was obvious that whoever that might be must be very special for her dad to be so eager for her to meet with them and so, she too could not wait to see who it might be.

She was eager and excited too as she climbed down the stairs.

“I am here dad” she said.

She looked up and saw Maeve and Riley sitting on the couch and were both smiling at her.

She stopped and stared at them. Anger began to build up inside of her. She could not understand why they should both come to visit her. She had made her intentions toward them obvious and she was not ready to change that anytime soon.

“Riona, they stopped over to say hi” Wright explained.

Wright was excited when he made the announcement, and he had expected Riona to be excited as well.

Looking at the duo, Riona made her disgust towards them so obvious even right there in front of them.

Wright on his part was trying to make her display some acts of hospitality to her guests and he sincerely wished that she does not carry on with her display of arrogance towards them.

“Hey Riona” Riley said.

Riley seems to be already used to Riona’s attitude. Riona was never cold towards her before her mother’s death, hence Riley felt her attitude must be as a result of her loss and so Riley believes that she would definitely come around even when it was obvious that this was taking longer than it should. Even though Riley felt that there might be more to Riona’s attitude, she nevertheless decided to give her the benefit of doubt.

The reason for Riley understanding was that Riley could remember when she had loss her dad, and even though she was just five at the time, she still felt the impact of his death and even till this time, she always trembled at the thought of his death and she knew she would do absolutely anything to see him again, even if it would only be just one more time.

“Hey Rio, we came over to say hi, hope you are doing fine?” Maeve asked.

Riona heard Maeve and Riley very clearly, but decided not to give any response. She was only focused on her dad and so she acted as though no one was talking to her.

“Be polite Rio, show some courtesy” Wright said.

“But I don’t remember inviting them dad, and they never told me that they were coming over too” Riona protested.

Wright looked at Maeve and Riley, he was completely embarrassed by Riona’s arrogance. He thought of where he had gone wrong. To him, he had shown her nothing but love and care, and had done everything that he could to ensure that she came out perfect.

He began to reminisce on all that he could remember that had ever transpired between Riona and either Maeve and/or Riley. And from all the facts that were available to him, Maeve and Riley had been nothing but kind to him and Riona since Evolette’s death.

Maeve could see that Wright was beginning to get upset with Riona and she was eager to get everything under control before it escalated into a cold fight between father and daughter. So thinking of a way to go about that, she stood up and went to hold Wright who by now was already fuming and she tried to pacify him and make him calm down.

“It’s okay Wright, she is just a little girl and you must understand that she is still suffering from the loss of her mother” she said.

Riona did not like the fact that Maeve had just referred to her as a little girl. And even worse is the fact that she had the enfrontery to try to speak to her dad on her behalf. What exactly does she think she knew about her and moreover, what gave her the right to say that about her. Riona thought.

Riona decided that she is going to respond to Maeve right this very moment. She would not want a repeat of what just happened again as she never made her a mediator at any time.

“I am no little girl Maeve, and I would formally request that you do not address me as such. And just so you know, you know absolutely nothing about me” Riona challenged.

On hearing the words coming from his daughter, Riona, Wright tried to get to her, but Maeve stopped him. She would not want him to do anything to Riona, not even because of her.

Riley was already scared of the tension that had built around her and she quickly got up and ran to hold her mum.


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