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Twice Tempted: Between Two Alphas (Mia and Cameron) novel Chapter 35

Chapter Thirty-Five

You got big.

It’s Conn.

He’s circling my wolf, appraising us from all sides.

It’s true. I’m almost twice my size.

I’m not nearly as large as Cam’s massive wolf, but I’ve packed on at least eighty pounds of muscle and added considerable height. Even my teeth are bigger.

I bare them now.

Conn barks appreciatively. He nuzzles my throat. Licks at my snout.

Nala’s tail thumps back and forth. She’s missed him.

We both have.

What’s this? He nudges my shoulder. There’s a white patch of fur there. A perfect circle. It wasn’t there before.

I dunno. It appeared after I gave birth.

Like any woman can tell you, pregnancy does all sorts of weird things to a body. This white patch resembles a moon. Aside from the color, my flesh and fur are normal, so I don’t mind it so much.

I give the wolf equivalent of a shrug and Conn nuzzles my face again.

Follow me.

With one playful nip, Cam takes off, and I dash behind him into the trees.

We run fast, leaping over fallen branches and logs, darting right and then left around towering pines and ancient trees.

The ground is soft beneath my paws, the scents are strong and I breathe deeply. For the first time, in a very very long time, I feel free.

I know these lands, I don’t think there’s much space on Healmsworth grounds that I haven’t explored at one time or another, but I’m not sure where Cam is leading us.

He lengthens his stride and I relish the rush.

I’m faster, no way near as strong, but my lighter body lets me pour on the speed.

I take the lead, running flat out, not holding back and Conn’s bark is full of pride. He isn’t threatened or angry. He cheers me on and I dash ahead.

Air saws in and out of my lungs, Conn’s stride is like thunder behind me. I gradually tire, and when I start to slow, I’m tackled from the side.

We roll in a tangle of limbs and fur, his body taking the impact and tumbling until I’m sprawled beneath him.

Conn pins Nala.

He lowers his jaw and bites my throat.

Not to mark me.

Just enough to assert his dominance.

Change back.

I resist the command just to see if I can.

Change back, he growls again. Please.

I shift and when I look up, Cameron’s hair is almost touching my face. I brush back the longer strands. His shoulders block out the sky as he holds himself above me.

He’s thick and hard and pressed against my core.

One roll of his hips will have us joined.

I’m wet and hot and when I grab his shoulders, Cam shudders.

He wants me, with an aching need that is impossible to ignore.

His lips brush my forehead, my eyes, my cheeks. He dots soft, reverent kisses along my throat and jaw.

The passion simmers at the surface, and it would take only the slightest flicker for it to erupt, but Cam banks it, showering me with affection, letting me know there is something other than lust, there’s…more.

And I know.

Nala knows.

The connection is even stronger than before.

Cam tenses above me.

He growls.

I smell it then.


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