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Twice Tempted: Between Two Alphas (Mia and Cameron) novel Chapter 36

Chapter Thirty-Six

“Splendid!” Eric says, not the least bit perturbed, or even surprised. “Shall we save everyone the trouble and head back to the main house then?”

He takes my hand and kisses the top of it.

Cam growls. “Get your fucking hands off her.”

Eric smirks but lets my hand go.

“Sadly,” Eric goes on, “I’m not just here for you, Mia. There’s a certain she-wolf who owes me answers and I intend to get them.”

“Ashley? She’s in a coma.”

“For now,” Eric allows. He jerks his head toward one of the wolves waiting in the woods. This beast blends into the darkness with eyes so gold, it’s all you see. “I told you I was sending my own doctor. She’ll get to the bottom of this.”

Eric tilts his head and studies me. “Are you fully recovered?”

I’ve shifted several times so far, and I still have abrasions and injuries. “No. I’m much better than I was, but…”

“Dr. Glass will see you too then.”

Howls echo from all around us. Cam’s pack is here. In full force.

This could be an absolute bloodbath.

Cameron wants to fight.

His clawed hands flex and curl.

He hates that this wolf is on his land. He hates that I’m tied to Eric in any way.

Above all, he hates that he is vulnerable.

From outside–and within his own pack.

I want to tell him to think of our kids, that we need to choose peace. But he staged this too. He prepared for war.

And I have no idea if this will be where two great Alphas collide and die.

I glance between them.

Torn between two Alphas.

“Don’t do this,” I say softly. I’m not sure which of them I’m speaking to. “Please.”

Neither male appreciates my defense of the other.

I remember Cam’s hell-raising days, when he had many lovers and often more than one female would leave his room after a night of partying. But that was before I shifted for the first time.

From the moment I was of age…there was only me.

I don’t know Eric. Not really.

But he is possessive and all-consuming, and if I were to let myself fall into this man, he would own me completely.

Eric holds his hand out to Cameron. “We have bigger problems, you and I, right now. And a common enemy.” He winks at me. “How about we table our good taste in women for the moment and do what is needed for the betterment of our packs?”

“We have you surrounded,” Cam says. “What’s to stop me from tearing you apart right now, and taking everything you own?”

Eric smirks. “You could try.” His eyes flash. He’s a warrior, born to battle and he will not back down. “But the losses will be severe. For both our packs. And given your many months convalescing in bed, do you really think you’re ready to take on me?”

The statement isn’t made as a taunt. It’s a statement of fact. One I’m sure Cam is well aware of too.

“I had the pleasure of entertaining your brother and it would be nice for you to return the favor. Breakfast, perhaps?”

The sun is cresting over the horizon, turning the sky a bright, bright blue.

“On one condition,” Cameron says.

Eric arches a brow. “Go on.”

“Your spies… Take them out of here when you leave. Now that I’m awake, I can–and will–seek them out. And I will have no mercy.”

The threat hangs heavy… Cameron will kill them for their treachery.

“Of course,” Eric says easily.

They don’t shake on it.

The two Alphas just turn and walk side by side.

When Cameron retracts to his full human form, his height is dead level for Eric’s.

I follow behind them.

Naked. Alone. Unsure.

Nala gives an excited howl.


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