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Twice Tempted: Between Two Alphas (Mia and Cameron) novel Chapter 38

Chapter Thirty-Eight

I check in with my kids. Claire has them and she’s got some elaborate castle with dragons and dolls and a whole slew of small toys spread across the floor.

It’s the kind of messy fun that’s wonderful while it’s happening, but then brutally painful when you step on some small piece or toy that got left out.

“Aren’t you supposed to be with Cam?” Her eyes flutter like she’s talking to him. “Tell me you didn’t leave him alone with MacPhearson. Damn it–

“Auntie Claire!” this from Jaceylyn.

“Darn, darn it, sweetie.” She looks to the ceiling. “I’ll start a swear jar.”

I want to laugh. These kids are changing the dynamic for all of us. Claire is always composed, always assertive. Seeing her fumbling her words around my kids is a small bit of joy. But what she said… she’s right.

“You two, be good for your Auntie, okay?”

“Yes, momma!” Aaron yells. My daughter nods. “Okay, mommy.”

It will have to do.

The twins are great kids, so I’m not too worried, but they can be a handful and they are very inquisitive. They have a way of getting into things they shouldn’t.

“Mia!” Claire shoves me back out the door. “Are you nuts!? Go!”

I rush down the hall, panic rising in my chest.

It’s been less than a minute since Cam left his room. I don’t think he’d start up with Eric again. Would he?

I hustle down the stairs and through the long hallways.

They aren’t in the main hall.


I don’t hear any yelling or fighting, but I don’t see them, either.

I rush outside.

The square is set up like it’s a festival. Long tables and benches along the open space, with Cam’s pack and Eric’s sitting and eating.

It would look idyllic, maybe even cozy if not for the growls and posturing, the many wolves lining the square with guns at the ready.

“Don’t even think about fighting!” I shout. I can smell both Cam and Eric and it’s clear they’ve cut across the square to the medical wing. No surprise. “BOTH of your Alphas will want blood if you let a fight erupt out here.”

“You’re no fun, Riorsen,” Corinne yells.

It’s met with some laughter–from both packs.

I salute her and hurry across to the hospital section.

When I push through the double doors, I see Dr. Lee is conversing with Dr. Glass. She listens attentively, her dark eyes focused on Ashley. She accepts the charts that Dr. Lee hands over.

She flips through the pages. “This timeline correlates with the initial cyber attack, Alpha.” She’s addressing Eric. Then she glances at Cameron. “Her brother… I’m told he connected with Ashley right before her demise.”

“That’s right.” Cam rubs his chest.

“Did he give her anything or do anything?” Dr. Glass asks.


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