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Twice Tempted: Between Two Alphas (Mia and Cameron) novel Chapter 37

Chapter Thirty-Seven

“NO!” I scream. “Stop!”

The two Alphas tumble to the floor.

I leap over the table. “Clear this hall! Now!!!” I glance at Cameron’s dad, daring him to contradict me.

He growls, but says, “You heard her. Everybody out.” He jerks his hand toward the food that’s being carted out of the kitchen. “Set up tables in the square!”

The servants spin around and head back through the revolving doors.

I squat beside Eric and Cameron. They’re locked in a chokehold. “This isn’t good for either of your packs. Please. Please let’s not do this.”

Eric comes to his senses first. He holds up his hands. It must hurt like hell, because Cam has not loosened his grip.

With the flick of his wrist, Eric orders his people to file out of the hall.

“Cameron!” I scream. He glares at me, that I should defend another man.

But it isn’t about choosing one over the other. It is about the survival of our respective packs, and right now, we have too many enemies to squander our energies fighting each other.

Cam lets go and begrudgingly each Alpha stands back up.

There’s food on the floor, all over Eric’s clothes.

He dusts at his shirt and pants. “Maybe I should just get naked too.”

Cam’s growl is deadly.

Eric laughs.

“Look, all of this starts and ends with Ashley, right?” I keep my focus on Cameron because I’m worried what my face might show if I look at Eric.

Because part of me…is really happy he’s here.

This wolf defended me, protected me, and when push came to shove, he let me go, because my safety was more important than keeping me underfoot.

“Let’s go see her and get to the bottom of this. I know you both want answers. Maybe your doctor can get them.”

“Wait here,” Cam tells Eric. “Mia, come with me.”

Eric makes a show of picking up a spilled coffee cup and pouring himself another. He calmly sits – at the head of the table this time. Then he holds up his mug in a smug toast as if to say, ‘go ahead, I’ll be waiting right here.’

I follow Cam out of the hall and toward his rooms. He doesn’t say anything as he’s ripping a shirt from his closet and dragging it on. Next, he goes to his armoire and grabs jeans and he jerks those on angrily too.

“Everything about that guy makes me murderous. You know that, right?”

I cross my arms. “I do think I know a little something about feeling murderous, yes. You can imagine how I would’ve felt when not an hour after we’d made love you professed Ashley your mate, married her and declared her Luna–-all without a single word, apology or explanation to me.”

He shoves a hand through his hair.

“These are old arguments now, Cam. What’s done is done. Let’s not replay the past. It does neither of us any good.”

“Do you want him?” Cam asks flatout.

I suck a breath. I’m not sure how to respond.

“Damnit, Mia, the fact that you have to even think about it, is answer enough!”

He’s so angry. So… hurt.


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