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Twice Tempted: Between Two Alphas (Mia and Cameron) novel Chapter 45

Chapter Forty-Five


Morgan boards the plane and makes herself comfortable in the back. This is one of our

Corporate fleet, a Cessna Citation XLS. It’s decked out and I smile at her as she reaches for the basket of snacks.

When she took me by the hand, I’d been hoping she’d lead me to bed. But bless this witch, she dragged me out of the house and in short order we are readying to break into her coven’s laboratories.

Jacob climbs the steps and boards.

He takes one look at her, one at me.

“I’ll debrief you while we’re en route.”

He shrugs.

It’s one of the things I like most about him. This wolf can roll with the punches. He introduces himself to Morgan then takes his seat at the rear of the plane where he begins setting up his electronics.

“You know how to fly this thing?” Morgan asks.

She looks more curious than worried.

“I finished my training hours last week,” I tell her.

She snickers.

Jacob glances between us. He arches a brow.

I let one side of my mouth lift up.

Yeah, I fell for a witch.

He grunts.

Conversation complete.

Pretty much the same kind of conversation that took place when I told him I needed his skills for a trip to California.

“Dangerous?” he’d asked.

“Yup,” I said.


“We’re wheels up in two,” I say as I continue my pre-flight analysis.

“Might want to rethink that, boss.” Jacob points out the window.

What? “Why?”

And then I see them.

Michail and Declan.

They’ve parked in the hangar and are walking across the tarmac.

I brace myself for what could be a fight. These wolves are my friends but their loyalty to pack is absolute. And I have no clearance for this.

Sure, Cam told me to ‘Deal with it,’ but I’m taking a whole lot of liberty with that decree.

“Oh… great,” Morgan mutters. “More friends.”

She isn’t really angry about it, but I do think she’s less comfortable than she was when it was just me, her and Jacob.

The wolves of my pack haven’t exactly been kind to her and that whole burn-her-alive scenario at the Circle was probably going to take a few minutes to forget.

“We’re all on the same team,” I remind her. And that’s true, at least in our goal to save Merilee. Outside of that goal, I’d be lying. She’s made a lot of enemies.

I can’t even say I’m sure of Michail’s or Declan’s motives as they approach now.

I join my thoughts to theirs. If you plan to stop us…that’s not happening.

I brace for a fight that may be coming. These are two of the fiercest wolves in our pack.

Declan sighs in my mind. That’s insulting, Jace.

Morgan can’t hear our thoughts. She doesn’t know that these wolves are here to help. She rolls her hand and a ball of fire appears in her palm. She winks at me.

I grin.

Michail boards first. He’s wearing sunglasses and one of those Tommy Bahama shirts that make sense on a retiree but somehow cool on him. He eyes the flameball Morgan’s bouncing and instead of taking offense, he just laughs. He goes to sit beside Jacob.

He doesn’t say a word to me. Not in my mind, not out loud.

Which is his own message I suppose.

It’s the equivalent of, “You didn’t ask, but I’m coming anyway, asshole.”



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