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Twice Tempted: Between Two Alphas (Mia and Cameron) novel Chapter 46

Chapter Forty-Six


“Damn it, Corinne!” I hold my chest. “You scared me.”

She crosses her arms.

“Going somewhere?”

I don’t owe this woman answers, and I definitely don’t trust her. She may be Eric’s sister, but she’s dangerous and ruthless and not beholden to me in any way.

“You do realize,” I remind her. “That you tried to kill me last time we met.”

“And I recall,” she drawls, “who threw the first punch.”


“Excuse me,” I say and attempt to move around her.

She blocks my path.

I made it out of the packhouse and avoided the many many wolves assembled in the square. And through some minor miracle, I’ve not run into Cam, Eric or my kids.

She’s wasting time that I don’t have to spare.

“Where you going?” she asks.

I shrug. “Nowhere.”

She tsks.

I debate turning around and cutting across the other side of our land. It’s several miles to the nearest road. And it’s not a county road, just a working track between the fields.

“I hope,” she says tapping one finger against her chin, “that you aren’t thinking of running off somewhere alone. Because that would just be stupid. A girl tied to two Alphas, who could be leveraged against either of them. A female who can’t wholly regenerate…out on her own…that’s just a danger to everyone–and most of all herself.”

I swallow and my throat feels like it’s gone bone dry.

“Leaving would be stupid. Reckless even. With Ashley’s family having infiltrated this pack, and ours, potential enemies all among us… you wouldn’t do something like that, right, Mia?”

I’m not about to lie or explain. “Excuse me.”

She whistles like a mountain bluebird.

All at once, several Ravens come running. They close ranks around us.

“Damn it, Corinne. You’re making a scene!”

We are behind the giant storage building, but that’s not to say someone won’t notice or suspect, seeing as how Corinne’s crew would definitely garner attention.

“Oh, shut up. I’m doing you a favor.”

I sling my bag over my shoulder. “How’s that?”

“You want to get out of here, right?” She inclines her head to one of the Ravens. The girl is mid-thirties, blonde and built like a wrestler. “How do you think you’re going to manage that? Running away on foot? That won’t be easy to track or anything.”

She’s back to tapping her chin again. “Or maybe you want Ashley’s allies or her brother, or any number of rogues or vamps to trail you…. I can’t imagine your precious Cameron would let you off these lands.”

“Leave him out of it.”

She sighs. “Stop the nonsense, will you? I get it. You need to go. I’m trying to help you. Why are you making this so difficult!?!”

As she says it, a large SUV rolls up. The doors unlock and the Ravens start piling in.

“Shotgun!” she calls.


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