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Twice Tempted: Between Two Alphas (Mia and Cameron) novel Chapter 66

Chapter Sixty-Six


It’s like a part of my heart is severing apart.

The pain is swift and intense.

This isn’t just a rejection of the pack, this is the destruction of my family.

“Cam…how can you do this?” I knew there would be repercussions. But this…

I’m doing you a favor, brother. It might not seem like it now. But it’s the only way I can let you have the life you deserve.

I’m speechless.

You looked out for Mia. When I was cursed and mindless, you helped hold our pack together. You solved the financial crises when Ashley’s embezzlement could’ve spelled complete ruination for our companies.

We’re not out of the woods on that yet…but in time, we’ll surmount the setbacks.

Cam nods.

This isn’t a punishment, brother.

I arch a brow.

Okay it is. But not in the way it seems. Your witch… she can’t be here. Not in the wake of what she’s done, what her coven has done. You know this.

I did.

And Morgan deserved better.

Take her with you. To our holdings in Colorado. He stands and comes around the desk. Try not to think about this as an ‘end,’ but as a new beginning.

Cam pulls me into a hard hug and I crush him back.

This is my brother.

My best friend.

My Alpha.

“I’m going to miss you,” I whisper.

“We’ll visit.”

I thump his back twice and then head out. Only when I shove open the door, eager to share the news with Morgan… she’s gone.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


My heart is broken.

I draw my magic and change my glamour.

I look like Declan.

He’s quiet, well-liked. Aside from nodding at a few passing wolves, no one stops or questions me.

I walk out of the mansion and across the square. I enter one of the giant garage facilities and see keys lining the wall on a neat little board. Like some friggin’ valet service.

I grab the first ones, hit the unlock button and wait to see which headlights blink.

It’s a nondescript SUV. Black paint, tinted windows.

It’ll do.

In under a minute, I’m driving out of the square.

It’s several minutes before I hit the security gate and the giant wrought iron structure swings open. No muss, no fuss.

I guess they are more concerned with keeping others ‘out’ rather than keeping these wolves ‘in.’

I nod toward the men in the guardhouse. One waves.

When I reach the road I turn left.

I have no idea where I’m going.

I have nowhere to go.

The thought opens a pit in my stomach that burns and hurts and makes me question a reason for living.

I play back the conversation I overheard in the office. Yes, I was eavesdropping and using my powers to do it. But I won’t apologize for that.

I was worried about Jace.

I was listening in case Cameron wanted to punish Jace for what he did to save me in the Circle or if he planned to punish him for our failed mission to my coven’s labs. Or, you know, because my coven was the one that spelled him into a stupor in the first place.

What I heard… devastated me.

Yes. Morgan Devereaux is the most powerful witch in a generation. Yes, she is a threat.

Despite everything I’ve done. Every sacrifice I’ve made…

I’m still an outsider.

I gave Jace my heart, my soul, my trust.

My body.

And he used me.


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