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Twice Tempted: Between Two Alphas (Mia and Cameron) novel Chapter 67

Chapter Sixty-Seven


“Cameron, are you okay?”

He’s standing at the entrance of the twin’s bedroom. His expression is wistful.

“We have reason to believe the samples that were taken from the lab are compromised.”

“Oh no!”

I look at my kids.

I can’t imagine anything worse than something happening to one of them. There’s no pain greater than watching a child suffer.

“I’m so sorry.” Merilee is my niece and my mate’s daughter. If she was a stranger’s child my heart would still hurt. Every child deserves a life free of strife and suffering. “What can I do?”

He shrugs.

Then he pushes into the room and comes to stand beside me. He tucks the blanket around Aaron.

“Can you…see anything?” he asks.

Being told you have a gift and being able to use it are two separate things.


His lips press thin.

“It’s one of the reasons I need to go, Cam.”

He doesn’t say anything. After a while, he gives the slightest nod.

His hand takes mine and I rest my head against his arm.

We stand there, silently looking at the children we created.

I don’t know what tomorrow will bring.

I lead him out of the room and into his suite.

His brows draw together. He’s uncertain. After New Orleans and the aftermath, he’s wary around me.

“We don’t have to,” he says.

I chuckle.

He smiles crookedly. “I didn’t say I don’t want to.”

“Kiss me.”

He sweeps me up, his arms holding me in an embrace that is as sweet as it is strong. His lips are gentle. Insistent, but he holds back, letting me set the pace.

The last days have taught me how precious life is. How each moment should be cherished because there is no telling how long it will last.

Maybe I will be like my mother and someday see my own demise. Is such vision a blessing or a curse?

I throw my arms around Cam’s neck.

I don’t want to think. I need to feel.

To feel loved.

To feel alive.


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