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Twice Tempted: Between Two Alphas (Mia and Cameron) novel Chapter 68

Chapter Sixty-Eight

“Do you want to talk about it?”

“No.” I give Michail props for trying.

Of all the wolves Cam could’ve sent along, this one is the least cuddly. The least likely to make chitchat or to try and bolster anyone’s spirits. His idea of a pep talk is to beat the shit out of somebody–better to fight than feel sad, he always said.

Maybe he’s just taking it easy on me since we’re airborne and fighting isn’t really an option.

I catch his gaze flitting back to our other passengers. The captives at the back of the plane. The vamps are sedated. Whatever Dr. Lee gave them, they look comatose. The female wolf. She’s shackled and her eyes are vacant. Tracks of pale skin show through the blood and dirt on her face. She stares out the window.

“How long is this babysitting gig supposed to last for you, anyway?” I ask.

He shrugs.

“You, uh, want to go and talk to her?”

He shakes his head.

“It’s not her fault, you know.”

“That’s not why I’m avoiding her,” he says cryptically.

Okay. None of my business anyway.

I close my eyes and eventually I manage to sleep. The flight itself isn’t a long one, and we’re due to set down in Sea-Tac in under two hours. He’ll deal with our guests. I’ll head to Blakely Island. And…deal with whatever comes next.

My daughter’s words… haunt me.

The landing is smooth and when I disembark, Michail unexpectedly pulls me into a brief hug and mutters, “Be safe.”

Okay, that’s unexpected.

And, if I’m being honest, I kind of thought he’d be escorting me door-to-door so to speak.

But when the cabin door opens and the plane steps unfold, it all becomes clear.

I fight the smile on my face.

I take the stairs slowly. When I reach the bottom, I look up and up and then shield my eyes from the sun to see clearly. “He called you, didn’t he?”

Eric bends and kisses me on the mouth.

It’s a chaste kiss. A quick one.

I can’t even say it’s sexual.

But it’s enough to make me hyper aware of him.

“He knows there’s no one stronger, Mia. And when it comes to your safety, it is one of the few things that Cameron and I agree on.”

I purse my lips and fall into step beside him. “I was going to call you myself.”

He arches a brow.


“You’re on my land now. My team will grab your bags and the other…baggage.”

I’m not sure how he plans to deal with the former coven prisoners. I don’t ask. I have quite enough on my plate. I feel bad for the woman though.


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