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Unexpected Fiancée novel Chapter 118

Chapter 118: Feed Me Medicine

Patrick didn't give Winston any face, leaving Winston feeling somewhat annoyed.

In front of Patrick, he couldn't express it, only frowning. "Patrick, both your mother and I are working for the benefit of Pansy Group. I hope you won't regret this."

Patrick let out a cold hum without saying anything more as Winston left.

After Winston's departure, Patrick's thin lips pressed into a tight line, his eyes revealing a hint of complexity.

He used to have great respect for Winston, but now, he found Winston increasingly incomprehensible.

Back at her desk, Jane urged the person in charge of testing at the Guavo headquarters jewelry factory to send her the results promptly.

Thirty minutes later, the results were in.

As expected, the "Ice and Fire" jewelry produced at the headquarters had no issues.

Jane breathed a small sigh of relief; it seemed the problem was indeed in France.

Jane quickly organized the information and handed it over to Patrick.

This information was crucial for the afternoon press conference.

At the door of the CEO's office, Jane once again encountered Winston.

He walked out of the CEO's office with an angry expression, and upon seeing Jane, his face turned even more unpleasant.

"Mr. Sidney," Jane greeted him with a smile.

Winston gave Jane a forced smile, then quickly walked away.

Jane knocked on the door, "Can I come in?"

Patrick's lips curved slightly, his voice crisp, "Come in."

Jane entered and saw Patrick holding the cold medicine she gave him. His clear eyes focused on the medicine bottle, and a mysterious curve appeared on his handsome lips.

Hearing her, Patrick set the medicine bottle down and looked at Jane with profound eyes. His thin lips parted, "Jane, I was just about to find you."

Jane handed the test results to Patrick, "The results are out, and the 'Ice and Fire' produced at the headquarters are all fine. It seems the issue is only in France."

Patrick took the documents but merely glanced at them before casually placing them on the desk.

Jane was surprised; it was a crucial moment, and the press conference in the afternoon needed these key documents. Patrick, however, didn't seem to care.

Frowning, Jane reminded, "Aren't you going to take a look? These documents are essential for the press conference this afternoon."

"I'm aware," Patrick chuckled, "but there's something more important."

Jane paused, asking involuntarily, "What is it?"

Patrick pointed to the medicine bottle on the table, the playful gleam in his eyes falling on Jane's face, "Feed me medicine."

Jane: ??? It's already this time, and he's thinking about this!

Patrick curved his lips, his expression still cool, but a subtle, ambiguous smile crossed his face. "You wouldn't be so heartless as to let me attend the press conference with a cold, would you?"

Jane gave him an exasperated look. "You better not bite me again!"

Once Patrick agreed, Jane picked up the medicine bottle from the table, opened it, and poured two pills into Patrick's mouth.

Perhaps the medicine was bitter because Patrick's eyebrows furrowed slightly, and his thin lips lifted. "I need water."


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