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Unexpected Fiancée novel Chapter 119

Chapter 119: Press Conference

Florence walked over to Patrick, casting a jealous glance at Jane.

Then, her somewhat infatuated gaze landed on Patrick's handsome and compelling face. "Patrick, I saw the news. Recently, Pansy Group has encountered difficulties. If needed, Doyle Group is ready to..."

"No need!" Patrick's cold voice interrupted Florence before she could finish her sentence.

Florence's smile stiffened, but she continued, "But from what I've seen in the news, due to the 'Ice and Fire' incident, Pansy Group's stock has plummeted. If a cooperation agreement is reached promptly between Pansy Group and Doyle Group, I believe it would be beneficial for Pansy Group. The stock will surely rise."

"Oh, do you think Pansy Group needs Doyle Group to boost its stock?" Patrick's thin lips curled slightly, and his gaze towards Florence turned icy.

Patrick's chilly demeanor made Florence bite her lip, and she said with a hint of grievance, "Patrick, that's not what I meant. I just want to help you..."

"Not necessary." Patrick's face was as cold as the harsh winter wind, and he impatiently added, "I have other matters to attend to. You can go back."

Florence stomped her foot in frustration, glared at Jane resentfully, and then left.

"Why didn't you go after her?" Jane glanced at Patrick, raising an eyebrow and smirking.

Patrick casually replied, "What, do you want me to chase after her?"

"She was trying to help you. Treating Miss Doyle like that, aren't you afraid of hurting her feelings?" Jane's tone carried a hint of jealousy, even though she hadn't realized it herself.

Thinking of the scene where Patrick and Florence danced that day, she felt uncomfortable.

"Oh, I see." Patrick propped his chin on his hand, feigning contemplation for a few seconds. "Then, I might as well go after her."

Seeing Patrick genuinely considering going after Florence, Jane blurted out without thinking, "Patrick, dare you try!"

Patrick chuckled. "Jane, are you jealous?"

Jane snapped back to reality, feeling a bit embarrassed. Why was she letting Patrick lead her around?

This feeling was very unpleasant!

Jane glared at Patrick in annoyance. "No way!"

Patrick curved his lips, leaning closer to Jane's ear. His magnetic voice sounded, "Jane, that day I danced with Florence to make you jealous of being with Osborn."

His gentle breath tickled Jane's neck, making her feel itchy.

Instinctively, Jane pushed Patrick away, feeling a slight flutter in her heart.

Was Patrick explaining this to her?

A trace of warmth inexplicably swept through her heart. Jane took a deep breath and said nonchalantly, "You can dance with whomever you want. It's none of my business."

Patrick's eyes deepened, and his profound gaze resembled a vast sea, capable of drowning anyone in it.

His deep, melodic voice resonated, "I will only dance with you in the future."

Jane was momentarily stunned.



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