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Unexpected Fiancée novel Chapter 121

Chapter 121: Thought I Was Going to Die

As soon as Jane mentioned leaving, Patrick's handsome face turned slightly cold.

Was she leaving because of his mother's words just now, or was it because...

"Jane, my mom is just like that. Don't take it to heart," Patrick suddenly approached Jane, reaching out to grab her shoulder.

His deep gaze, tinged with an unusual hue, his voice low and husky, he said, "Believe me, I will handle things with my mom, and she won't trouble you again."

Caught in Patrick's intense gaze, Jane's heart involuntarily skipped a beat.

Taking a step back, she smiled, changing the subject. "Don't talk about this now; we should get going. If we don't leave soon, we'll be late."

Patrick's gaze returned to its usual indifference, and his thin lips gently opened. "Let's go!"

The two arrived at the airport, and Patrick, leading Jane, stopped in front of a Boeing aircraft.

"Is this your plane?" Jane assessed the luxurious plane before her.

On her birthday, Grandpa had wanted to buy her such a plane as a gift, but Jane declined because she was afraid of heights.

"Mr. Pansy, Miss North." The captain and flight attendants stood respectfully at the door, welcoming Patrick and Jane.

"Let's go up." Patrick held Jane's hand and led her onto the plane.

The plane soared into the sky, quickly disappearing into the clouds.

At an altitude of 100, 000 feet, Jane sat next to Patrick, her calm gaze looking at the layers of clouds outside the window.

"What are you thinking?" Patrick suddenly spoke, his voice faintly questioning in Jane's ear.

"Nothing." Jane turned her head, meeting Patrick's deep gaze. She cleared her throat and said, "I'm wondering who might have a grudge against Pansy Group."

"We'll know as soon as we arrive in France," Patrick smiled. "Don't think too much. Have something to drink. What do you want?"

Jane thought for a moment. "Orange juice."

Patrick called a flight attendant and said, "Bring me a glass of orange juice."

"Of course, please wait a moment." The flight attendant smiled.

Five minutes later, the flight attendant prepared the orange juice and handed it to Jane. "Miss North, your orange juice."

"Thank you." Jane took the orange juice, ready to drink, but suddenly, the plane experienced turbulence, descending rapidly.

"Ah!!!" Jane exclaimed.

At the same time, the lights on the plane went out, plunging everything into darkness.

The sensation of weightlessness made Jane shudder, and the infinite darkness enveloped her with fear.

In her mind, fragments seemed to flash by.

She felt like she was falling into an abyss, surrounded by pitch-black darkness, continuously plummeting...

This feeling, so real, as if it had actually happened.

Jane reached out, trying to grab onto something, but there was nothing to hold onto.

The despairing fear spread throughout Jane's limbs and bones.

"Save me..." Jane's face turned pale, panic-stricken, she cried out.

Patrick reached out his well-defined hand, tightly embracing Jane, and asked with concern, "Jane, what's wrong? Are you okay?"


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