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Unexpected Fiancée novel Chapter 120

Chapter 120: The Issue Lies with Factory No. 1

The night grew deeper.

Jane was packing her luggage in the room when she heard a bout of coughing.

Looking up, she saw Patrick standing in the doorway, dressed in a white casual robe, lacking the usual cold detachment, and gaining a touch of laziness and a sense of life.

This version of Patrick left Jane momentarily stunned.

Meeting Jane's gaze, Patrick lifted his lips and smiled faintly, "Do I look good?"

"Patrick, when did you come over?" Jane regained her composure, a bit awkwardly clearing her throat.

Patrick straightened his tall figure, stepping toward Jane. "Is everything packed?"

"Yeah," Jane nodded.

There wasn't much to pack, just a few daily necessities.

"Get up early tomorrow," Patrick said.


Just then, Patrick's phone rang.

He took out his phone and looked at it; it was a call from Jones, the person in charge of the French branch factory.

Patrick answered the call, "Jones, what's the matter?"

"Mr. Pansy, we've traced the batch of problematic jewelry, and it all came from Factory No. 1," Jones's voice came through the line.

Patrick's face turned stern, "So, the issue is with Factory No. 1?"

Jones nodded, "Yes, I've instructed people to investigate every aspect of Factory No. 1. We should have results by tomorrow."

"Good," Patrick said in a deep voice.

After hanging up the phone, Jane asked, "Did the French side find any clues?"

"Yes," Patrick narrowed his eyes, his voice chilly, "It seems the problem originated from Factory No. 1."

"Now that the scope has narrowed down to Factory No. 1, it should be easier to investigate," Jane pondered.

"Not necessarily," Patrick's gaze deepened. "Anyone capable of tampering with Pansy Group wouldn't be an ordinary person."

"You're right," Jane agreed with a nod.

Indeed, recent events were somewhat mysterious, as if an invisible force was manipulating everything.

Moreover, with the enemy known and unknown, the situation was unfavorable for Pansy Group.

"Anyway, let's discuss it after we arrive in France tomorrow," Patrick said. Seeing Jane frowning, he reached out and patted her shoulder, his gaze gentle. "Get some rest."

"Goodnight!" Jane smiled, lifting her lips.

A night of restless turning.

The next morning, Jane got up, hurriedly freshened up, and as she walked down the stairs, she heard the doorbell ring.

Who would come so early?

Patrick opened the door, revealing Beatrice and Melissa standing outside.

"Mom, why are you here?" Patrick frowned.


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