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Unexpected Fiancée novel Chapter 130

Chapter 130: 72 Ways to Flirt

Facing Patrick's stern interrogation, Jones wore a grim expression. His face alternated between shades of blue and white, and his mind seemed to be crashing like a malfunctioning computer.

Why did Patrick have this video?

If he could still find excuses to deny the earlier recording, there was no way he could explain this video. Because in the video, it was crystal clear that he and Madeline were together!

The public's eyes were sharp. After watching this video, everyone had a general understanding of what had happened.

"I never expected Jones to be the mole."

"For his own selfish desires, he disregarded consumer interests, even planned an explosion. It's just inhumane!"

"Madeline isn't any better. Not only did she plagiarize, but she also instructed Jones to do such a thing to frame the Pansy Group!"

A barrage of accusations and condemnations flooded in. Jones wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, opened his mouth in despair, "It's fake! You're all framing me!"

"Fake?" Sharpness flickered in Jane's eyes. "Are you saying my recording and Patrick's video are fake? Unfortunately, these are all real! I believe everyone can distinguish between truth and falsehood."

"In addition to this physical evidence, there's also a witness," Patrick said, looking at Morton.

Morton, with a stern tone, said to the meeting hall's entrance, "Bring her in!"

Soon, several bodyguards brought in a petite woman.

Upon seeing this woman, Jennifer Adolph, Jones's face turned ashen.

It was over, completely over!

Some reporters recognized this woman as an online wanted criminal, skilled in bomb-making, related to several previous terrorist attacks.

Patrick's expression remained cold as he looked at Jennifer. "Tell me, what's your connection to the explosion at Pansy Group's Warehouse No. 1?"

Jennifer, passionate about bomb-making and hiding in the mountains after a series of terror attacks, was bought by Jones to create a bomb placed in Warehouse No. 1, intending to detonate it and frame Patrick and Jane.

This time, Morton took some effort to find Jennifer in the woods and had the bodyguards bring her here.

Knowing the situation was lost, Jennifer admitted straightforwardly, "I detonated Warehouse No. 1."

"Why did you do this?" Patrick's voice grew even colder.

Jennifer, somewhat indifferent, replied, "Someone gave me ten million to do it."

"Then, who told you to do it?" Patrick's eyebrows furrowed, lips slightly parted, emanating a chilling aura.

Jennifer shivered involuntarily and pointed to Jones, "It was him!"

"Don't talk nonsense, I don't know you!" Cold sweat the size of beans oozed from Jones's forehead. At this point, aside from denying it to the death, he had no other option.

"Don't know me? I've already had it investigated. A week ago, ten million was withdrawn from your account, and that ten million is what you gave Jennifer!" Patrick's icy gaze swept over Jones.

Jane stepped forward, speaking with conviction, "With both witness and evidence, Jones, you can't deny it. We'll hand over this evidence to the police. Jones, get ready for legal consequences!"

The police received Patrick's notification and swiftly came to take Jennifer and Jones away.

Patrick's icy gaze swept around the meeting hall. He cleared his throat and spoke in a deep voice, "I believe everyone is clear now. The 'Ice and Fire' incident was maliciously orchestrated by 'Love Jewelry,' with Jones as the mastermind. Pansy Group will take this as a lesson, and such incidents will never happen again!"

Thunderous applause erupted, and Jane glanced at Patrick with a silent acknowledgment. Sometimes, silence spoke louder than words.

The storm had finally passed, and Jane breathed a small sigh of relief.

Online, negative news about Pansy Group vanished without a trace.


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