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Unexpected Fiancée novel Chapter 131

Chapter 131: Testing Fate

Flirting Tips?

What on earth is this?

Patrick cast a cold glance at Morton, lips slightly lifting, his tone dripping with disdain. "Boring!"

His distinctly large hand, however, took the book from Morton.

Following behind Patrick, Morton respectfully said, "President, I'll return to Guavo tomorrow."

"Okay." Patrick nodded faintly. "Contact me if anything comes up."

Patrick was confident in Morton's capabilities. With Morton overseeing the company in his absence, he could manage things remotely.

Once Morton left, Patrick sat on the sofa, reclining slightly, legs casually crossed. He held the book "72 Ways to Flirt" that Morton gave him and earnestly flipped through its pages.

That night, Jane enjoyed a rare peaceful sleep.

The next day, she woke up when the sun was high.

After freshening up, Jane was about to go find Nana for some shopping. She had been in Paris for several days, busy with the "Ice and Fire" incident, and hadn't had time to meet Nana.

Today, with some free time, she decided to invite Nana for shopping.

As she opened the door, she unexpectedly found Patrick's tall figure standing at the entrance.

"Patrick, what are you doing here?" Jane was slightly surprised.

Patrick smiled faintly. "I'm waiting for you."

"Waiting for me?" Jane was puzzled. "Why?"

What was going on with Patrick?

"We're going out today." Patrick's tone carried a hint of dominance, making it clear refusal wasn't an option.

Jane furrowed her brows, her beautifully arched eyebrows knitting. "Aren't you injured? Shouldn't you be resting?"

During the explosion, Patrick had shielded her with his own body. While the severe injury was feigned, his shoulder did get hurt from the falling ceiling.

"Just a minor injury." Patrick hooked his lips. "Let's go!"

Sitting in the car, Jane was speechless. She quickly texted Nana, [Something came up, canceling our appointment.]

Soon, Nana replied with curiosity, [What happened? Are you with Patrick?]

Jane replied, [Kind of.]

Nana teased, [Choosing love over friendship.]

Jane rolled her eyes, about to reply when she heard Patrick's voice by her ear. "We're here."

Jane looked out the car window. Not far away was the Eiffel Tower.

"Get out." Patrick opened the car door for Jane, a gentlemanly gesture.

The two strolled along the Seine River, basking in the scenic beauty.

Shaded by green trees, the riverside was picturesque.

Parks with scattered greenery dotted the landscape. In the distance, dozens of iron bridges spanned the river, adding a touch of exoticism to the Seine River.

Jane had been here before but never felt the scenery was exceptionally beautiful, like she did today.

"Sir, buy a rose for your girlfriend." At that moment, an oriental girl, carrying a large basket of red roses, spoke to Patrick in Chinese.

The term "girlfriend" pleased Patrick.

"I'll take them all." Patrick raised an eyebrow, his slender hand pulling out a stack of bills from his wallet, which he handed to the girl. "Keep the change."

The girl was delighted, casting an envious glance at Jane. "Miss, your boyfriend is so nice to you. You're so lucky!"

Jane was somewhat speechless. "He's not my boyfriend."

Hearing this, Patrick frowned slightly, his expression indifferent as he interjected, "Well, not a boyfriend. Fiancé."

Jane: ...


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