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Unexpected Fiancée novel Chapter 14

Chapter 14: She Is Scared of the Dark

"Hey, Jane? Jane!" Patrick uttered, holding her in his arms and patting her face gently. "What's wrong with you? Are you hurt?"

Still shaking with her eyes closed, Jane murmured, "It's so dark... I'm.

scared. Don't leave me... Don't go..." Dark? It turned out she was scared of the dark.

Patrick's heart softened after this realization. As he looked at Jane's face, he recalled the little girl who huddled up beside him with a pale face years ago.

A sense of pity brewed in his heart. Holding her hand, Patrick said, "Don't be scared. I'm here now. It's all right. I'll take you home."

His assuring words worked like magic. Jane stopped shaking. She kept mumbling, but Patrick couldn't make out what she was saying. He just stood upright with her in his arms

"Tl never leave you. You are safe now. Don't be scared, okay?" He continued to comfort her on the way out.

Patrick gently put her in the passenger seat. When he tried to fasten the seat belt for her, he saw that she was gripping his shirt with both hands. The woman in front of him was totally different from the one who told him off yesterday. His heart ached to see her like this.

Patrick blamed himself for not coming sooner. If he had saved her number when Mike sent it to him, he would have saved her earlier. Anyway, it was better late than never.

He couldn't even bear to think of

what would happen to her if she stayed in the dark for the whole night.

Patrick drove home at a high speed and carried Jane to her bedroom He wiped the sweat on her forehead with a wet towel and then tucked her in. Just as he turned to leave, a hand grasped his pant.

He turned around, only to find that Jane's eyebrows were knitted as

she slept uneasily. Her face was still a little pale.

He tried to loosen her grip, but she caught his hand instead.

"Don't go... Stay with me please.. Her voice was shaky, not indifferent like it usually was. It was like that of a child who needed to be comforted.

Suddenly, Patrick imagined Jane's face changing into that of that little girl. He blinked severally.

From the first day he saw Jane's face, he felt that she had a striking resemblance to that girl. The feeling was stronger now.


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