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Unexpected Fiancée novel Chapter 15

Chapter 15: Her Face Was Familiar

Patrick shot her a withering glare and stormed out. As he left the room, he bumped into Melissa. She cocked her head, noticing Jane sitting up in bed, and then cast a scrutinizing glance at her cousin.

"Patrick, why are you coming out of Jane's room at this hour?"

Patrick ignored her questions and continued on his way.

Melissa's curiosity piqued, and she followed him. "Don't tell me you spent the night in Jane's room. What were you up to last night?"

Back in her room, Jane felt a rush of anxiety hearing Melissa's inquisitive inquiries. She quickly got out of bed and hurried to the bathroom to freshen up.

She didn't need anyone to tell her she must look terrible. She was mortified by the thought that Patrick had seen her in such a state.

"I hope he doesn't breathe a word to anyone about what happened or how scared I looked last night," Jane muttered, vigorously brushing her teeth.

All this was Monica's doing. Jane had learned her lesson and wouldn't let herself be deceived by that troublemaker again. She now knew Monica's true intentions.

After Jane washed up and dressed, she went downstairs to the dining room. Patrick abruptly left without a word, but Jane paid no heed. Her main concern was quelling her hunger and regaining her strength. She served herself some breakfast.

Melissa, who had been pestering Patrick for answers, now shifted her attention to Jane. "I underestimated you, Jane. You've only been here a few days, and already you're making advances on Patrick. What did you do to him? Why did he come out of your room this morning?"

"What?" Beatrice dropped her fork, chiming in, "What did you do to my son? Or should I ask, what did you both do? Besides, why were you out so late last night? Where were you?"

Confronted by their joint interrogation, Jane offered them a sardonic smile. "We're all adults here. What else would a man and a woman do behind closed doors at night?"

"You hussy! All you know is how to seduce men. You should be ashamed!" Melissa exclaimed.

"Mind your language!" Jane replied, taking a big bite of bacon and chewing thoughtfully. "I'm Patrick's fiancée, and I don't need to seduce him. Things just happened."


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