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Unexpected Fiancée novel Chapter 145

Chapter 145: Birth and Death Together

"What are you talking about?" Jane was anxious when she heard Patrick's words.

Patrick looked towards the direction of the island. Although they were getting closer, there was still a long way to go.

Now he was weak and couldn't swim anymore, only dragging Jane down.

He didn't want to drag her down.

Patrick furrowed his brows slightly and reached out to untie the life jacket tied to Jane, "Jane, I'm a little tired, I want to rest. You swim over first and wait for me on the island."

Jane knew what Patrick was thinking about. She pressed down on Patrick's large hand, "No, we'll swim over together."

"I will only hold you back." Patrick looked at Jane with heavy and solemn eyes, his expression softening.

He liked this woman who was loyal to him and wouldn't leave him behind. He was happy.

Even if he was going to die in the vast sea, he wouldn't regret it.

Jane took a deep breath and said firmly, "I'm not afraid to be held back. Since I've given you my answer, I'll do my best. I won't leave you behind. This time, let me protect you! We'll always be together, life and death together!"

Jane's tone was unusually firm.

In the end, Patrick got injured because he was trying to save her.

He repeatedly risked his life to save her, so how could she leave him alone when he was seriously injured?

Jane held onto Patrick with one hand and with the other hand she vigorously swam, gritting her teeth and persevering.

"Patrick, you must persist!"

With every ounce of strength she had, Jane finally approached the island.

The island kept getting bigger and bigger in front of her...

Jane gasped for breath and looked back at Patrick, "Patrick, we're almost there, just hang in there a little longer!"

Patrick grunted softly.

He felt like he was suffering beyond imagination, but his remaining consciousness told him that he couldn't give up.

Jane loved him deeply and was willing to die with him.

He mustn't let her down.

With the last of his strength, Jane finally brought Patrick to the island.

When her feet touched solid ground again, Jane let out a long sigh, "Patrick, we've arrived."

Gritting her teeth, Jane helped Patrick ashore and collapsed on the ground with exhaustion.

She looked at him with concern.

His handsome face was now exceptionally pale, his eyes closed tight, his breathing rapid and shallow, unconscious.

Jane's eyes were full of care as she carefully placed her hand on Patrick's right wrist to feel his pulse.

Patrick's hand was as hot as fire.

His pulse was fast and weak, indicating that his wound had become infected and that he had developed a high fever after being in the sea for so long.

"Patrick, you'll be fine, I'll definitely save you!" Jane tightly held onto Patrick's hand and kissed it lightly.


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