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Unexpected Fiancée novel Chapter 146

Chapter 146: Surviving the Disaste

The faint fragrance from her lips was just like the memories of his childhood. Patrick felt a bit dazed, only aware of the woman's lips in front of him, which seemed like a cool spring that was refreshing and comfortable. He instinctively reached out and hugged Jane, pulling her closer to him.

She was so soft, cool and comfortable. Patrick wanted more.

Unexpectedly, he lost his balance and fell into Patrick's arms. Feeling the strength in his hands, Jane felt happy inside. It seemed that giving him water to drink, physical cooling down had some effect.

"Patrick, wake up," Jane whispered softly into his ear while pressing her cheek against his face. "You promised me that you would pursue me and love me for life to protect me; you can't break your promise."

Her gentle voice entered Patrick's ears causing him to furrow his brows slightly.

Who is calling out to him?

That familiar yet gentle voice... was it Candy? Or Jane?

Candy... Jane...

The figures of both women gradually overlapped with each other in Patrick's mind.

Why did he always have this feeling that Jane was Candy?

Patrick slowly opened his eyes as the woman's face became clearer before him. He lifted the corner of his lips slightly as he said: "Jane..."

"Patrick! You're awake?" The joy in Jane's eyes sparkled brightly.

"Mm." It took some effort for Patrick to nod as he asked: "What happened?"

Why did he feel so weak all over again? Why did it hurt so much?

"You were injured; your wound got infected and caused a fever," explained Jane with concern etched on her face.

Taking several deep breaths helped bring back some memories for Patrick - yes - their plane crashed! They fell into the sea where they encountered strong winds followed by vicious fish attacks!

He vaguely remembered telling Jane not to worry about him because he couldn't hold on any longer...

"Jane... you saved me?" Looking around at their surroundings revealed they were lying on a sandy beach which made relief wash over Patrick like waves crashing onto shorelines after surviving such an ordeal!

Jane smiled lightly: "You've saved my life many times already; I've only returned one favor now but still owe you many more."

Holding onto her hand tightly while speaking lowly: "Then let us use our bodies instead."

As soon as those words left Patricks' mouth warmth spread throughout Janes' body causing her breaths to hitch momentarily before she glanced at him curiously once again.

This man, just when he was barely out of danger, started acting all casual.

How did Jane not know that Patrick had such thick skin before?

Seeing Jane remain silent, Patrick tightened his grip on her hand with a little force. "Don't forget you promised me. You can't back out now."

Jane's thin lips curved slightly. "Yes, I promised you and I won't back out. But for now, we need to find a safe place first."

Patrick woke up from his daze and the situation seemed to have improved slightly. Jane's anxious heart also relaxed a bit.

Patrick's illness was mainly caused by an infected wound soaked in seawater which resulted in high fever. It was unrealistic to rely solely on physical methods to bring down the fever and with the sun beating down mercilessly on the beach even normal people couldn't bear it let alone someone with high fever like Patrick.


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