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Unexpected Fiancée novel Chapter 164

Chapter 164: Old Pansy's Heart Attack

Patrick tightly held Jane's hands, and she struggled, but couldn't break free.

"Jane, why on earth are you calling off the engagement ceremony?" Patrick repeated, seeing Jane remain silent.

Patrick's demeanor momentarily moved Jane.

She closed her beautiful eyes, the scene of Patrick and Candy embracing in the afternoon flashing before her.

A pang in her heart.

Taking a deep breath, Jane's eyes, when opened again, were cold and indifferent. "Why? Shouldn't you know?"

Patrick hesitated, what did he know?

He knew nothing!

"Because... of Candy?" Patrick furrowed his brow. "I told you, I'll explain everything about Candy to you, right?"


Jane coldly chuckled.

The facts were already there; what was there to explain?

At that moment, Old Pansy, leaning on a cane with Maurice's support, entered the lounge.

"Patrick, Jane, what on earth are you two doing?" Old Pansy, both angry and anxious, asked with a stern tone upon seeing Patrick and Jane, his face grave.

Why cancel the engagement ceremony?

And in front of all the guests, so suddenly?

Making everyone a laughingstock, utterly senseless!

"Grandpa." Seeing Old Pansy come in, Patrick quickly released Jane and went to support Old Pansy.

"Did you do something to upset Jane?" Old Pansy's face was extremely unpleasant, tapping his cane with a serious and cold tone.

Before Patrick could answer, Beatrice appeared, seemingly out of nowhere, cleared her throat, and said, "Oh, Dad, why blame Patrick? It's obvious now; Jane is behind all of this!

A country bumpkin doesn't understand any rules! On such an important day, if you want to embarrass yourself, fine, but why drag our Pansy family into it?"

Melissa, also present, added fuel to the fire, smearing Jane. "Exactly, cousin couldn't possibly do anything to upset Jane, could he? Today was supposed to be a perfectly fine engagement ceremony, and Jane managed to turn it into a big joke, making our Pansy family lose face!"

Listening to Beatrice and Melissa's relentless criticism, Old Pansy suddenly felt a tightness in his chest.

He covered his chest, gazing at Jane, "Jane, explain, what's going on?"

"Mr. Pansy, thank you for your concern all this time, but today, I must break off the engagement with Patrick." Jane pressed her lips, her tone firm and resolute.

"Jane, is it because of Patrick?" Old Pansy was about to say something else, but a sharp pain gripped his chest, and he swayed.


A loud noise, Old Pansy collapsed to the ground.

"Grandpa, grandpa! What's happening to you?" Patrick rushed forward, attempting to support Old Pansy but was a step too late.

Old Pansy's face turned pale, sweating profusely, eyes tightly shut.

"Grandpa, what's wrong?" Patrick exclaimed, crouching down, shouting loudly.

However, Old Pansy showed no response.


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