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Unexpected Fiancée novel Chapter 165

Chapter 165: How's My Grandpa?

What was supposed to be the most lively and grand engagement ceremony in the world ended abruptly before it even began.

Jane's heart felt as if it were being hammered repeatedly, causing intense discomfort.

"Jane, you wretch! Grandpa's life is hanging by a thread because of you. Are you satisfied?" Melissa, in high heels, pointed at Jane's nose and cursed.

"Jane, if anything happens to Old Pansy, our Pansy family won't let you off!" Beatrice also joined in, raising her hand to slap Jane across the face.

Jane's gaze turned colder; she grabbed Beatrice's hand and pushed her back. "Old Pansy had a heart attack, and I regret it deeply. But dare you say you're not responsible for Old Pansy's condition? Who was provoking him with words just now?"

"Still trying to justify yourself!" Melissa, helping Beatrice, said, "Aunt, are you okay?"

Reporters, seizing the opportunity, surrounded them, bombarding Jane with questions:

"Miss North, what's your opinion on Old Pansy's condition?"

"Miss North, can you share your plans for the future?"

"Miss North, can you explain why you and Mr. Pansy called off the engagement?"

Jane furrowed her brows, impatiently pushing away the reporters. "Sorry, I'm not taking interviews!"

Melissa saw this as a chance to tarnish Jane's image. She waved to the reporters, "You can come and interview my aunt and me."

Reporters eagerly gathered around.

Clearing her throat, Melissa spoke, "Everyone saw it. Today, my grandpa had a sudden heart attack, all because of Jane's provocation! I, on behalf of the Pansy family, declare here that we have no connection with Jane, this heartless woman!"

Reporters nodded in agreement.

At that moment, Jane found herself the target of public scorn. She didn't want to hear any more, coldly smiling. "Melissa, you, an adopted daughter unrelated to the Pansy family, have no right to be their spokesperson."

Having publicly revealed Melissa's adopted status, Jane disregarded her attempts to speak.

After that statement, Jane left immediately.

Nana and Osborn approached her. "Jane, are you okay?"

"Don't follow me. Let me be alone for a while," Jane said, looking at them.

She knew Nana and Osborn cared for her, but right now, she needed some time alone.

Nana and Osborn exchanged glances. Jane frowned. "Don't worry, I'm fine. I just want to be alone for a bit."

"But, Jane..."

Osborn wanted to say more, but Nana held him back. "Let Jane have some time to calm down."

So much had happened tonight; anyone would struggle to cope. However, Nana trusted Jane to handle everything.

In Osborn's anxious gaze, Jane walked out of the hotel's entrance.

Walking alone on the street, neon lights changing colors illuminated Jane.

Her thoughts were somewhat chaotic. She wasn't sure if she had made a mistake tonight. If she hadn't publicly announced the cancellation of the engagement ceremony, maybe Old Pansy wouldn't have had a heart attack, lying in the hospital for emergency treatment now.

However, even if she hadn't announced the cancellation of the engagement, Patrick would still make the same decision.

Because his Candy had returned.

The result would have been the same, right?

The cold words from Patrick echoed in her ears, "If anything happens to Grandpa, I won't forgive you," and Jane's heart ached intensely.

Does Patrick hate her?


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