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Unexpected Fiancée novel Chapter 166

Chapter 166: A Gloomy Situation

"The surgery was very successful," Dr. Pater pushed his gold-rimmed glasses and hesitated for a moment before speaking.

Patrick breathed a sigh of relief at his words but heard Dr. Pater cautiously say, "However..."

"However what?" Patrick's heart tightened, pressing for an answer.

"However, Old Pansy's condition is still not optimistic," Dr. Pater carefully began, "Whether he can wake up, I cannot guarantee."

Patrick's face darkened, his voice hoarse, "Impossible! Grandpa will be fine!"

Soon, a nurse pushed a mobile bed out.

"Grandpa." Patrick stood by the bed, looking down at the unconscious Old Pansy, his heart twisted in pain.

Melissa stepped forward, "Cousin, don't worry too much. Grandpa is a lucky person; he will be fine."

Patrick nodded faintly.

The next day, the weather was gloomy.

Jane opened her eyes groggily.

What she saw was a white glass lamp.

Where was she?

Rubbing her temples, the memories of yesterday gradually returned.

Yesterday was supposed to be her engagement day with Patrick, but-

Patrick was with Candy behind her back.

She canceled the engagement ceremony, and Old Pansy collapsed due to the shock.

Images from yesterday kept replaying in Jane's mind.

Jane's heart ached in waves.

As she tried to get up, the door to the room opened, and Osborn walked in.

"Jane, you're awake?" Osborn walked to the bedside, asking with concern.

"Is it you?" Jane looked around. "Is this your house?"

"Yes." Osborn spoke gently, "I made breakfast. What do you want to eat?"

Jane shook her head, "I have no appetite."

Seeing Jane looking exhausted, Osborn's eyes filled with distress. "Not eating is not good. Let me bring you a glass of milk first."

"Osborn." Jane stopped him, "How's Mr. Pansy now?"

"I heard he had surgery and hasn't woken up yet," Osborn sighed softly.

Jane's face tightened, "I want to go see Mr. Pansy."

"Then eat breakfast first, and I'll take you there." Osborn patted Jane's shoulder, hesitating to speak. "About you and Patrick..."

Jane wanted to visit Old Pansy at the hospital, and she would likely encounter Patrick.

Osborn feared it would reopen emotional wounds for Jane.

"Osborn, I don't want to talk about it right now." Jane took a deep breath, speaking calmly.

Just mentioning Patrick made her heart ache.

Jane didn't want to dwell on the sad things now. She only wanted to confirm Old Pansy's condition.

She reluctantly ate a few bites of breakfast and then urged Osborn to take her to the hospital.

In the car, Jane habitually opened her phone to check the news.

News about the cancellation of her engagement with Patrick flooded the internet.

[Pansy Group CEO and Jane Call off Engagement; Old Pansy Suffers Heart Attack, Life Hanging by a Thread!]

[Pansy Group CEO Patrick Dating a Mystery Woman; Jane Dumped, Forced to Cancel Engagement!]

Photos of Patrick and Candy were even posted online!

Jane's heart skipped a beat.


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