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Unexpected Fiancée novel Chapter 170

Chapter 170: All for Osborn?

Jane stood still for a moment, unsure how to face the situation.

The door opened, and to Jane's surprise, it was Amy who appeared.

"Miss North?" Amy hadn't expected anyone to be here at this hour, startling her.

Jane felt a bit lost but also relieved, "Amy, it's me."

She had forgotten that Amy came to clean the house every afternoon.

"Miss North, what's going on?" Amy asked, looking at Jane with surprise as she held a suitcase.

Jane calmly replied, "I'm leaving. Please tell Patrick for me."

Amy had heard bits and pieces about Jane and Patrick's situation. However, she felt that her young master wasn't the type to easily change his mind.

She had witnessed Patrick's tenderness towards Jane on many occasions during her years of working in the Pansy household. Jane was the first person to receive such care from him.

Unexpectedly, Jane was moving out so soon.

Amy was taken aback and tried to persuade her, "Miss North, aren't you waiting for Mr. Pansy to come back? Whatever the issue is, you two should talk it out. Why leave?"

Jane shook her head, about to say something when Osborn suddenly appeared at the front door.

"Jane, are you ready?" Osborn walked towards Jane, inquiring with a glance.

"Yeah," Jane nodded faintly.

Osborn took the suitcase from Jane, a soft glint in his eyes. "Are all your things packed? Nothing left behind?"

"No," Jane's voice betrayed no emotion.

Osborn raised an eyebrow, smiling gently. "Then let's go."

Amy stared at the scene in astonishment.

What was the relationship between Miss North and this man?

In Amy's surprised gaze, Jane halted her steps. Suddenly remembering something, she took out the keys from her pocket and handed them to Amy. "By the way, here are the keys. Please return them to Patrick for me."

"Miss North, why don't you give them to Mr. Pansy yourself?" Amy was still trying to persuade Jane.

"No need," Jane replied, turning to follow Osborn downstairs.

"Jane, get in the car." Osborn placed Jane's suitcase in the trunk and politely opened the car door for her.

"Thank you," Jane glanced back, pursing her lips, and sat in the passenger seat.

Her mood, inexplicably heavy.

"Jane, don't think too much. Go back and rest." Osborn reached over to fasten Jane's seatbelt, speaking gently.

"Osborn, I'm fine. Let me be alone for a while," Jane leaned wearily on the seat, closing her eyes.

Osborn didn't say anything more. He turned the car and left the gate of the residential area.

Patrick, driving back from the hospital, saw a familiar car exiting the residential gate just before he reached it.

Wasn't that Osborn's car?

What was he doing here?

Patrick's brow furrowed, and subconsciously, he looked out the window, vaguely catching a glimpse of a familiar face.

It was Jane!

The two cars passed by each other, and Patrick slammed on the brakes.

The car behind honked incessantly, but when Patrick turned to look again, Osborn's car was nowhere in sight.

Jane, was she with Osborn?!

Patrick's face turned cold. Back home, Amy was cleaning the living room.

Seeing Patrick return, Amy quickly greeted him, "Mr. Pansy, you're back?"

"Yeah," Patrick responded indifferently.

Amy hesitated for a moment before asking, "Have you seen Miss North? She just left."


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