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Unexpected Fiancée novel Chapter 171

Chapter 171: To Announce or Not to Announce Your Identity

"Alright," Florence readily agreed.

She nodded, instructing the driver with a cold tone, "Follow the car in front."

"Yes, Miss," the driver respectfully responded, trailing Osborn's car from a distance.

Florence and Erica followed Osborn's car all the way to the East City Garden.

They saw Osborn take luggage from the trunk, leading Jane to his apartment in the East City Garden.

Watching Osborn and Jane walking side by side through the apartment gate, Erica's eyes couldn't hide her anger and jealousy. She angrily exclaimed, "Jane has no shame, daring to move into Osborn's house!"

A glint of cunning flashed in Florence's eyes as she turned to Erica, "Osborn is hiding a lover, and that woman turns out to be Jane. Do you think it would be explosive if we tell the media about this?"

"But will this affect Osborn?" Erica expressed her concern.

"What are you afraid of?" Florence stared at Erica, "Do you want to see Jane cling to Osborn?"

"Of course not," Erica said indignantly.

Florence smirked, "That's it. Jane, this shameless woman, just got dumped by Patrick, and now she's immediately hooking up with Osborn. When the media gets wind of this, they will surely add fuel to the fire. Who knows, they might even dig up her connections with other men."

Then everyone would blame Jane.

She would become a pariah. Do you think Osborn would still want her?

As long as they drove her away from Osborn, the opportunity would be yours, wouldn't it?"

Florence's words stirred something in Erica.

She nodded thoughtfully, "Florence, you're right."

Jane followed behind Osborn, entering his apartment.

"Jane, how about here?" Osborn helped Jane with her luggage, gently asking, "Is this place okay for you?"

"Yeah, it's fine. Thank you," Jane glanced around the apartment. It was a one-bedroom unit, not large, but well-equipped. The decoration was chic, fitting her aesthetic.

"If there's anything missing, just let me know, and I'll have it delivered immediately," Osborn said, considerate.

"I don't lack anything now. I'm a bit tired and want to rest," Jane smiled lightly.

Seeing Jane's subtle dismissal, Osborn's gaze darkened, "I won't disturb you then. Rest well. If you need anything, remember to call me."

"Thank you." Facing Osborn's concern, Jane's face remained expressionless.

Osborn turned to leave. As he reached the bedroom door, he suddenly stopped, turning back, "Jane, what are your plans for the future? Do you want to come back to Star Entertainment and announce your identity?"

Currently, various rumors attacking Jane were circulating online, filled with harsh words.

If Jane revealed her identity, the rumors would naturally be dispelled.

Jane furrowed her brows slightly and shook her head, "No need."

"Why? Aren't you concerned about those rumors and gossip online?" Osborn asked with some confusion.

Jane raised the corners of her lips, smiling serenely, "As you said, they're just rumors. Why should I care?"

After a pause, Jane added, "Besides, my current focus is on how to cure Old Pansy's illness. As for the rest, I simply don't want to bother."

Osborn nodded thoughtfully, his voice deep. "Alright then, rest well."

He cast a profound gaze at Jane and then turned to leave.


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