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Unexpected Fiancée novel Chapter 173

Chapter 173: Candy Is Good at Playing Nice

Jane struggled, but her hands were firmly held by him. Patrick's strength was so great that he seemed to crush her delicate wrists.

His large tongue forcefully pried open her teeth, delving inside...

Originally, Patrick just wanted to punish this heartless woman in front of him, but her wonderful taste was so familiar.

As always, it made him unable to control his emotions.

Unexpectedly, scenes of the sweet moments with Jane in the past flashed into Patrick's mind. In the high sky, she tightly embraced him, speaking firmly:

"Patrick, I'll tell you the answer now."

"Patrick, my answer is-I promise you."

"For the rest of our lives, I'm willing to spend it with you."

"No matter life or death."

Did she forget all these words she said to him that day?

In his mind, these images kept flickering. Patrick's kiss gradually softened, unconsciously becoming gentle.

In a daze, he felt as if they were still in the midst of passionate love, as if she had never left.

Their breaths entwined, and the temperature in the CEO's office gradually rose...

After a long time, Patrick reluctantly ended this lingering and affectionate kiss. With a hoarse voice, he said, "Jane..."

Before he could finish his sentence, a sudden female voice interrupted him, "Paddy, what are you doing..."

Patrick turned around, and there stood Candice.

He raised his eyebrows in surprise. "Candy? Why are you here?"


Jane's heart skipped a beat.

She forcefully pushed Patrick away, her chest heaving violently. "Patrick, that's enough!"

What did he take her for?

He already had Candy, yet he treated her like this. Was he trying to humiliate her?

Candice's eyes, with a touch of hurt and disbelief, stared at the scene before her. Patrick was kissing Jane?

Jane was still entangled with Patrick?

Alarm bells rang in her mind. Candice hid her emotions well, biting her lip and weakly saying, "Paddy, I'm sorry. I forgot to knock just now. Did I disturb you?"

Patrick let go of Jane and calmly tidied up his shirt that had been messed up during the passionate kiss. He casually spoke, "No. Why did you come over?"

"Paddy, I came to thank you." Candice, with a hint of blush on her face, looked at Jane, who seemed a bit flushed. She suppressed her jealousy and smiled at Patrick. "Yeah?" Patrick raised his thin lips.

Candice took a step forward, affectionately pulling Patrick's arm. "Thank you for transferring Grandma to the best hospital and having the best doctor treat her. She's much better now. She asked me to inquire when you're free, so she can personally thank you after she recovers."

Patrick's lips curved slightly, and he said lightly, "It was nothing."

Seeing this glaring scene, Jane took a deep breath, calmed her emotions, and sneered. She turned and left.

"Jane..." Patrick pushed Candice away, wanting to catch up.

Candice quickly grabbed Patrick again, lowered her eyes, and looked pitiful in front of him. "Paddy, is Miss North angry? I'm sorry; I didn't know she was here. Should I go and apologize to her, explain things to her?"


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