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Unexpected Fiancée novel Chapter 172

Chapter 172: I Don't Agree to Your Resignation

"Miss North, you don't have to be so polite. As long as I can help, feel free to command," Morton smiled, speaking very politely.

"Well, the thing is, can you find a way for me to visit Old Pansy in the hospital?" Jane spoke calmly, her tone faintly carrying a hint of anticipation.

"This..." Morton seemed hesitant at her words. After a moment, he said, "Actually, Old Pansy has been lying unconscious in bed all this time. Even if you go see him, it wouldn't make much sense."

Seeing disappointment in Jane's eyes, Morton hurriedly added, "How about waiting until we find Dr. Newton to treat Mr. Old Pansy? Once he wakes up, I'll find a way to arrange for you to see him."

"Dr. Newton?" Jane expressed some confusion.

Morton nodded, "According to Dr. Pater from the cardiology department, Dr. Newton is an outstanding master of traditional Chinese medicine. Only he can cure Old Pansy. Unfortunately, Dr. Newton has been missing for twenty years. The CEO has sent many people to search for him, but there's still no news."

"I see," Jane said thoughtfully.

If she wasn't mistaken, the Dr. Newton mentioned by Morton should be Uncle Newton, who taught her medicine in her childhood.

It seemed her speculation was correct. Dr. Pater, being an authoritative expert in cardiology, recommending Uncle Newton aligned with her thoughts. If they could bring Uncle Newton, they could undoubtedly cure Old Pansy.

With this realization, Jane felt a sense of relief. "Thank you for your help. I'll take my leave now."

After saying this, Jane turned and left.

"Miss North," Morton's voice suddenly sounded behind Jane.

She paused and turned back, asking, "What's the matter?"

"There are some things I don't know if I should say," Morton hesitated.

Jane smiled, "Morton, just say whatever you have to say."

"Miss North, please don't blame me for being nosy. When you canceled the engagement ceremony that day, the CEO was very upset. Do you have some untold secret?" Morton's words carried a hint of concern.

Untold secret?

Jane was silent for a moment.

Seeing Jane's silence, Morton continued, "If you have some untold secret, talk to the CEO. You two love each other; what problem can't be solved? Why let it escalate to this point?"

Love each other?

A slightly bitter arc appeared on Jane's lips. "Morton, you're not unaware that the CEO's Candy has returned, right?"

"So, is it just for Candy? I always feel that the CEO..."

Before Morton could finish, Jane interrupted him, "Alright, I don't want to continue discussing this matter. Thank you for your concern."

Jane spoke calmly, then turned and left.

Back at her desk in the secretary's office, ignoring the various gazes directed at her, Jane quickly drafted a resignation letter.

With the resignation letter in hand, Jane went to the CEO's office.

Thinking that she would soon face Patrick, her heart felt strangely nervous.

After taking a few deep breaths, Jane knocked on the door.

"Come in!" Patrick's low, cold voice came from inside.

Jane opened the door and walked in.


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