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Unexpected Fiancée novel Chapter 177

Chapter 177: That Candy Might Be Fake

"Coincidence?" Jane furrowed her brow.

"Yes," Nana nodded, pursed her lips, and asked, "Let me ask you, when did Candy appear?"

"The day Patrick and I got engaged," Jane thoughtfully replied.

"What about before that? Did Candy not exist?" Nana raised an eyebrow and continued, "I found something on the entertainment gossip sites. That Candy is a resident singer at Allure Bar, her stage name is Angel."

"Yes, before, on Carl's birthday, I saw her at Osborn's place," Jane nodded, understanding Nana's point.

"That's strange then. From what you said, Patrick had been looking for Candy for years, but his people searched for her for several years without any trace. You had Anthony check on Candy recently, but he found nothing either.

That Candy is just a bar singer. Why couldn't Anthony find anything? Others might not find her, but Anthony is one of the world's top hackers, and you know his capabilities," Nana explained.

Jane squinted in agreement, "Nana, you're right. I did overlook some things."

"Jane, you're too involved in this. You impulsively canceled the engagement ceremony, giving that Candy an opportunity," Nana snorted, "I even suspect that Candy might be fake."

"Fake?" Jane raised her eyebrows.

For some reason, she remembered the scene at Pansy Group earlier in the morning.

Candy portrayed the innocent and pure role perfectly, nothing like the kind, cute girl Patrick described.

Something was seriously off here.

Jane rubbed her temples, "But Patrick shouldn't mistake her identity."

If Patrick was so sure that Candice was Candy, there should be no mistake.

So, where did the problem lie?

Nana was skeptical, "Why wouldn't he? Haven't you said before that Patrick once mistook you for Candy? If he can mistake you, why not someone else?

Moreover, this Candy never appeared before, and suddenly she shows up on the day of your engagement. It's too much of a coincidence!"

Indeed, it was too coincidental.

Jane thought for a moment and said, "Let me investigate when I get back, Nana. Let's not discuss this for now. My biggest wish right now is to find Uncle Newton and heal Old Pansy as soon as possible."

"Jane, you must investigate thoroughly. It's not easy to meet someone you like. Don't give up so easily," Nana said leisurely.

After a long journey, Jane and Nana finally arrived at Changbai Mountain.

It was a vast area of continuous snowy mountains and forests, covered in pristine white.

"Jane, are you sure your Uncle Newton is here?" Nana shivered from the cold.

"If my intuition is correct..." Jane rubbed her hands together, breathing warmth into them, "I remember he once said that the place he wanted to live most was Changbai Mountain."

"Well, intuition..." Nana sighed in helplessness.

Jane glanced at Nana, freezing in the cold, "Let's ask around first."

"Okay," Nana nodded, looking around.

At the foot of the mountain, there was a small village with a few scattered farmhouses.

Jane and Nana knocked on one of the doors, "Is anyone in there?"


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