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Unexpected Fiancée novel Chapter 178

Chapter 178: Encountering an Avalanche

"Miss North, be careful. If everything goes smoothly, you should reach Mont Brush before dark," Megan, a middle-aged woman, kindly packed some dry food for Jane.

"Thank you," Jane felt the warmth of the simple and enthusiastic mountain villagers, and her heart warmed.

"Jane, please be careful!" Nana was still worried.

Jane gave her a reassuring smile, "Don't worry. If nothing unexpected happens, I should be able to bring Uncle Newton here by tomorrow."

With all the gear in place, Jane, with a backpack on her back, walked into the depths of the forest.

At first, the sky was just sprinkled with light snowflakes. Jane, focused on reaching Mont Brush as quickly as possible and finding Uncle Newton, briskly moved forward.

When she reached halfway up the mountain, a strong wind suddenly blew, and the sky darkened.

It seemed like a heavy snowfall was imminent.

Jane hurried her steps; she had to reach her destination before nightfall and find Uncle Newton quickly.

In no time, goose feather-sized snowflakes began to fall.

With the heavy snowfall, Jane's surroundings turned into a vast expanse of white. If not for the compass she carried, she might have lost her way.

"What kind of crappy weather is this!"

Jane cursed in her heart and couldn't help but quicken her pace.

The wind grew stronger, carrying snowflakes that danced in the air, making it hard for Jane to keep her eyes open.

Not far away, thick snow piled up on the mountaintop, looking as if it could come crashing down at any moment.

This wasn't good.

Jane regretted not listening to the advice of the local villagers. Her judgment on this harsh environment was insufficient, and she rashly went up the mountain, seeking speed rather than efficiency.

Seeing that it was getting dark, with a snowstorm raging, she was finding it increasingly difficult to move forward.

Jane stopped, thought for a moment, and decided that she should go back first. Tomorrow, she would figure out a way to get a helicopter to fly up, which would be more feasible.

After all, there was no telling when this snowstorm would stop.

With her decision made, Jane was about to turn back when a rumbling sound came from a distance.

It sounded a bit like thunder but not quite.

Following the sound, Jane saw thick snow rushing and rolling down from the mountaintop across from her!

This was bad, an avalanche was imminent!

Jane was startled, and without much thought, she quickly surveyed the terrain around her.

Fortunately, there was a cave nearby.

Perhaps she could take shelter in it.

However, if the snow blocked the entrance, submerging the cave, she would be in great danger.

No, she had to leave a distress signal.

Thinking quickly, Jane, upon seeing a big tree nearby, had a sudden inspiration. She swiftly untied the scarf from around her neck and tied it to the treetop at lightning speed.

Then, she hurriedly entered the cave.

A few seconds later, the heavy snow rushing down from the mountain covered the cave entrance.

Jane, with a hint of lingering fear, rubbed her temples. In the face of nature, human strength was indeed minuscule.

She took out her phone to check, unsurprisingly, no signal.

Jane then turned on her flashlight, illuminating her surroundings.

The cave was quite spacious and warm inside, much better than being in the snowstorm just moments ago.

Jane took off her backpack, containing enough food to survive for several days.

Taking a few deep breaths, Jane calmed herself down in the face of the vast power of nature.

Nana would soon know about the avalanche here, and she would find a way to rescue her.

Jane was grateful at this moment for insisting on leaving Nana in the small mountain village.


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