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Unexpected Fiancée novel Chapter 182

Chapter 182: Will You Protect Me Again?

Patrick took a long stride, boarding the helicopter.

The aircraft circled low in the sky, and Patrick, with binoculars in hand, looked down. All he could see was an expanse of white.

Everywhere was covered in snow, a vast white landscape obscuring everything, and he couldn't see anything clearly.

"Slow down the flight," Patrick commanded coldly. He couldn't afford to miss any clues!

The helicopter circled around and around, but all Patrick could see was more white snow.

"Paddy, we've searched several times, but it seems like we haven't found anything," Candice, sitting next to Patrick, held a telescope and pretended to look for Jane's traces.

Candice inwardly rejoiced. The snow covered everything on the mountain; not even a small animal could be seen, let alone Jane, such a large person.

Jane must have been buried by the heavy snow!

"Keep searching!" Patrick's harsh voice echoed.

It was impossible not to find anything!

Jane must be there, waiting for him to rescue her!

As time passed by, with every minute ticking away, Patrick's brows furrowed tighter.

This wasn't working. They couldn't find anything, just wasting time.

Perhaps being too high in the air hindered their visibility. If they could conduct a ground search, they might discover some clues.

"Morton, bring the parachute," Patrick suddenly said expressionlessly.

Morton hesitated. "Sir..."

Candice's heart jumped suddenly. She quickly interrupted Morton and asked, pursing her lips, "Paddy, what do you need the parachute for?"

"I'm going down to find Jane," Patrick said decisively, his eyes narrowed.

"No, it's too dangerous!" Candice's eyes flashed with concern. She reached out and tightly grabbed Patrick's hand. "Paddy, don't go."

"I have to." Patrick said calmly.

"Candy, I know you're worried, but what I've decided, no one can change." Patrick pushed away from Candice with a solemn expression.

Seeing Candice's eyes dim, Patrick added, "Don't worry, Candy, I promise you, I'll be fine."

"Mr. Pansy, are you really going to parachute down to find Jane?" Nana, seeing Patrick skillfully undoing the parachute, asked with some emotion, speaking up. "I'll go with you."

Morton hesitated, glancing at Patrick.

Patrick frowned. "Miss Nana, this is very dangerous."

"I'm not afraid of danger, as long as I can find Jane." Nana's expression was determined. "Mr. Pansy, I share the same concern for Jane's safety as you do. You should understand my feelings."

For a brief moment, Patrick was stunned.

Who was Nana?

She was the renowned head of Leo Studio.

Why did she care so much about Jane?

Undoubtedly, Nana had a deep relationship with Jane, but for her to risk herself for Jane went beyond ordinary friendship.

Jane... What else did he not know?

Now was not the time to think about these things. Patrick pondered for a few seconds and nodded. "Be careful."

He then instructed Morton, "Bring another parachute for Miss Nana."

"Yes, sir," Morton responded promptly.

Candice looked down through the window, "Paddy, are you really going to parachute down?"

"Yes." Patrick's expression was slightly solemn.

At this moment, the wind gradually subsided, and the snowstorm showed signs of stopping.

Morton handed the parachute to Nana and said to Patrick, "Sir, the snowstorm is about to stop. We can descend directly when it does. Moreover, once the snowstorm stops, the search and rescue team and the people we brought can enter the mountains for a thorough search."

"I'm going down first; you come as soon as the snowstorm stops!" Patrick couldn't wait a moment longer.

He had to go down immediately; Jane couldn't wait!

The earlier he went down to find Jane, the greater her chance of survival.


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