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Unexpected Fiancée novel Chapter 183

Chapter 183: Jane, I'm Here

Without hesitation, Patrick leaped from the helicopter, descending slowly to the ground.

This was his second parachute jump.

The previous time, he had jumped with Jane.

Despite the imminent danger they faced, almost facing death, Patrick had been calm and even joyful.

Because at that time, Jane had been by his side.

Jane had told him that she accepted his pursuit, willing to be with him.

From that moment on, they faced life and death together.

But this time, Patrick was filled only with worry, tension, panic... Various negative emotions interwove in every cell of his body.

He was afraid.

Afraid that something might happen to Jane.

Afraid he might never see Jane again.

Patrick squinted, looking down at the vast expanse of white below with deep, focused eyes.

Jane, where are you?

Jane, I'm coming!

Jane, you must hold on!!

A few minutes later, Patrick landed slowly in the forest.

He folded the parachute and set it aside.

Nana followed closely, landing as well.

She slipped and fell heavily as soon as her feet touched the ground.

Patrick hurried over, helped Nana up, and asked in a calm tone, "Miss Nana, are you okay?"

Nana got up, brushed off the accumulated snow on her, and shook her head, saying, "I'm fine; let's hurry and find Jane."

"Okay," Patrick replied, looking around and observing the terrain.

Their current location was on the route from a small mountain village to Mont Brush.

Calculating from the time Jane entered the mountains, she should have passed through here.

Unfortunately, the heavy snow covered everything, leaving no traces.

"We'll search in the direction of Mont Brush from here. Jane should be around here," Patrick pondered for a moment and said in a deep voice.

"Good," Nana nodded, agreeing with Patrick's analysis.

"Now that the snowstorm has mostly stopped, I believe it won't be long before Morton and the search team arrive," Patrick continued, his tone cold and resolute. "As long as we don't overlook any place, we will find Jane."

Patrick's words boosted Nana's spirits.

He was right; strength in numbers. Once the snowstorm stopped, everyone would join the search. As long as they searched every possible place, they would find Jane!

"Jane! Jane! Where are you?" Patrick and Nana walked forward, shouting loudly. "Jane, please answer me!"

At this moment, Patrick wished Jane could hear his voice and respond to him.

Unfortunately, as they walked, the only response was the echo of his own voice.

Due to the avalanche, the thick snow on the road reached Nana's thighs, making each step exceptionally difficult.


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