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Unexpected Fiancée novel Chapter 24

Chapter 24: You Are Not My Type

Jane had been so engrossed in applying the ointment that she didn't notice Patrick's presence. He stood there, clad in a white bathrobe, which revealed a portion of his well-built chest. The accidental collision with Jane left his chin aching, causing him to knit his brows.

Droplets of water dripped from his hair, and his eyebrows and eyelashes glistened with moisture. Jane found herself captivated by his appearance; she couldn't deny that he was very handsome.

"Have you had your fill of gawking?" Patrick teased with a smug smile, pulling her back to reality.

"When did you get here? You startled me. Quit sneaking around like a thief and get dressed!"

Jane rubbed her head and turned away, feeling somewhat shy.

Patrick chuckled and fastened his bathrobe, then gently mocked her, "My chin is hurting because you bumped into me. What are you going to do about it?"

Jane had bumped into him, but she hadn't expected him to complain instead of apologizing.

"I... I'm going to take a shower," Jane replied, flustered under his penetrating gaze. She grabbed clean clothes and hurried into the bathroom, muttering to herself, "Why did he come out dressed like that? Oh, God. Why am I suddenly so sweaty?"

Staring at Jane as she rushed away, Patrick pondered whether he came across as intimidating.

Knock! Knock! Knock! Jane was still in the shower when she heard a series of knocks on the bathroom door.

"Who's there?" she called, her heart racing as she rinsed her face.

What could it be? Could it be Patrick? He was the only one in the room. What did he want?

Patrick's voice came from the other side, "It's me."

Jane immediately became cautious. "What do you want? Can't you see I'm taking a shower? Go away!"

"You dropped something," Patrick said in a low, husky voice.

"What's that?" Jane asked as she turned off the shower and wrapped herself in a short bath towel. She was skeptical; she didn't recall dropping anything. Even if she had, couldn't he wait until she finished her shower? What was Patrick up to? He usually behaved with decency, but could he be a peeping Tom?

"Check for yourself," Patrick replied with a knowing smile, holding the item in his hand.

Jane checked the pile of clothes she had brought into the bathroom. To her dismay, her clean underwear was missing. She must have dropped it outside when she was in a hurry. Was that what Patrick was holding? She was mortified.

Jane ran her hand through her hair anxiously, her face flushing red. After some internal struggle, she tiptoed to the door, opened it slightly, and peeked out. "I accidentally dropped it. Hand it over."

The orange light illuminated her face, making her smooth and tender skin glisten with water droplets and turn slightly red. Patrick couldn't help but stare at her in awe.

His lips curled into a broad smile as he handed her the underwear. "Be more careful. Don't drop it again."

"Thank you," Jane mumbled, quickly taking the underwear, her hand briefly brushing against his. The electric touch made her cheeks burn. She hastily shut the door, her heart racing.


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