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Unexpected Fiancée novel Chapter 25

Chapter 25: Move to Guestroom

"There's a new task for you, Jane. Our company is partnering with Lady Fashion for the next season, and you will be leading this project," Monica stated, her eyes betraying a hint of jealousy.

She handed a stack of documents to Jane and continued, "All the essential information for the project is in these documents. Please review them promptly."

"Of course," Jane replied, taking the documents.

She then turned and returned to her desk, leaving Monica to grumble with envy. After all, Monica had been initially responsible for the project.

However, earlier that morning, Patrick had summoned her to his office and instructed her to assign the project to Jane. Monica couldn't understand why.

What was it about that country girl that made her more deserving of the project? Was it simply because she was Patrick's fiancée? As Monica stewed in her frustration, she received a text message.

"How are you progressing with the task I assigned you?"

The message was from Florence.

Monica considered for a moment and replied, "Don't worry; I'm on it. That hillbilly will be dealt with soon."

Florence responded simply, "Hurry up!"

Her patience was wearing thin. Her attempt to frame Jane as a thief had failed, and Jane had not only proven her innocence but had also made Florence appear foolish.

Florence was not one to accept defeat easily.

Clutching her phone with an evil expression, Florence muttered, "Just you wait, Jane. You'll regret this."

Jane spent the entire day studying the documents Monica had given her. The project revolved around the launch of a new line of jewelry for the upcoming season, a collaboration between Pansy Group and Lady Fashion. The project was already in the design phase, and Jane's role was to review the progress and identify any discrepancies – a relatively straightforward task.

Upon returning home from work, Jane discovered that her belongings had been moved from Patrick's room to a guest room on the first floor. "Who moved my things?" Jane inquired, appearing confused.

Melissa suddenly appeared and, with a smug smile, stated, "I did. Do you have a problem with that?"

"Are you aware that handling someone else's possessions constitutes an invasion of privacy and attempted theft?" Jane retorted, crossing her arms and leaning against the door frame with an unbothered expression.

Melissa scoffed, "They're just some shabby suitcases!"

Melissa argued that the guest room was far superior to Jane's family's living conditions and added, "The Pansy family has been feeding you well these past few days. The guest room is probably more comfortable than the room you share with your family. You should be grateful. If you don't like it, feel free to go back to your dilapidated home!"

Shabby suitcases? Jane regarded Melissa as though she were a complete fool. These leather suitcases had been custom-made for her by a renowned foreign designer and were more luxurious than most popular brands. Their design, craftsmanship, and materials were top-notch in every aspect.

"How is that any of your business?" Jane questioned.

Patrick arrived home to find a heated argument taking place on the first floor. "Patrick!" Melissa clung to his arm and adopted a victimized tone. "I kindly moved Jane's things, and instead of thanking me, she accused me of stealing and infringing on her privacy. Even beggars wouldn't want her suitcases. How could I possibly steal anything from her?"

Jane, on the other hand, snapped her fingers and stated, "Patrick, did you hear that? She moved my things without permission!"

With a stern expression, Patrick pulled his arm away and asked Melissa, "Why did you move Jane's belongings?"


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