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Unexpected Fiancée novel Chapter 38

Chapter 38: You Surprised Me

Jane cleared her throat, sporting a confident smile, and stated, "Now, let me provide an overview of the Lady Fashion project's status and progress."

With a pen in hand, she skillfully illustrated the entire project's flow chart on the whiteboard while presenting the essential project details in a clear and understandable manner. Her presentation was fluid and easy to follow.

Monica watched in disbelief, her nails unconsciously digging into her skin. She couldn't comprehend how Jane managed to present the project so smoothly and comprehensively without prior preparation. Jane even drew a fantastic flowchart! There had to be some mistake here. Perhaps Jane had somehow learned about the meeting and secretly prepared for it.

Monica had planned to publicly embarrass Jane but ended up inadvertently giving her the opportunity to shine. She held a deep grudge against Jane and was determined to oust her from Pansy Group someday.

Patrick was also taken aback. He couldn't tear his gaze away from Jane during her presentation. She exuded an aura of grace and capability, even though she was supposed to be a country bumpkin with no knowledge. Her unexpected competence left him intrigued.

"Well, that's all. I've concluded. Does anyone have any questions or concerns?" Jane inquired, grinning at the audience.

Everyone present appeared highly impressed with her seamless presentation. Not a single complaint or question arose.

Patrick, in particular, had his eyes fixed on Jane throughout her presentation, unable to look away. She seemed remarkable, possessing a certain nobility, elegance, and confidence, akin to a queen. It left him wondering what more lay beneath the surface, given her supposed rural origins.

"Mr. Pansy, is there anything amiss?" Jane asked, noting Patrick's continued gaze.

"No," Patrick replied with a faint smile, his sensuous lips curving.

"In that case, please allow the Chief Designer, Cara, to introduce the designs."

Jane returned to her seat and gestured for Cara to showcase the designs.

Cara quickly unfolded the design drawings and began presenting them to Patrick.

"The theme is 'Ice and Fire.' We're planning to launch a collection of high-quality jewelry, including necklaces, rings, and bracelets. These are my designs," she explained.

Patrick appeared displeased, his expression clearly reflecting his dissatisfaction with the designs. He turned to Jane, inquiring in a hushed tone, "What are your thoughts?"

Jane examined the drawings briefly. While they were beautiful and featured trendy elements, they ultimately came across as ordinary. She felt the designs lacked a distinctive and spirited quality.

Patrick's opinion seemed to align with hers, and he nodded. "I agree, they are rather ordinary."

Sherry, the head of the design department, felt uncomfortable hearing this criticism. While Cara was the chief designer, Sherry had provided plenty of input during the design process.


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