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Unexpected Fiancée novel Chapter 39

Chapter 39: A Good Show Is on

The week passed swiftly, yet it lacked any significant events. Florence remained absent from Pansy Group, and Monica refrained from causing further problems for Jane. Nevertheless, Jane was aware that this tranquil period was the calm before a storm they had yet to weather.

On the appointed day, Bruce Longman, the CEO of Lady Fashion, was scheduled to visit Pansy Group. As the person responsible for the Lady Fashion project, Jane was tasked with picking him up at the airport. Before her departure, she ensured that all materials required for the afternoon meeting were well-prepared.

Satisfied with her preparations, Jane rose and readied herself to head to the airport. But as she reached the elevator, she saw the doors closing. In haste, she called out, "Please wait!"

A tall figure promptly extended his foot to halt the elevator doors, allowing her entry.

"Thank you," Jane expressed her gratitude, but upon looking up, her surprise was evident-it was Patrick. She pondered his unexpected presence and the courtesy he had extended in keeping the elevator open.

Observing Jane's astonishment, Patrick, in his characteristic reserved manner, remarked, "Join me."

"Thank you," Jane said with a smile and stepped into the elevator. Patrick followed suit.

"I'll accompany you to the airport," Patrick stated flatly, noting Jane's perplexed expression.

Jane was taken aback. "Please, don't worry; I can manage on my own."

Jane couldn't fathom why the CEO himself would accompany her to the airport to pick someone up. He was an exceptionally busy man, after all.

However, Patrick seemed unwavering in his decision. His commanding presence was undeniable as he stood beside Jane.

After a brief silence, he offered Jane an inscrutable look and mumbled, "Bruce is my friend. I wish to personally greet him to convey my sincerity."

Jane nodded, understanding Patrick's perspective, but she wasn't quite sure how it justified his personal presence.

In silence, they descended to the underground garage. Earlier, Patrick had driven to work in a Rolls-Royce, and he opened the car door for Jane, gesturing for her to enter.

"Thank you," Jane smiled, buckling her seatbelt in the passenger seat.

Patrick followed suit, commencing the drive. While gripping the steering wheel, he inquired, "Have you prepared for the Lady Fashion meeting later this afternoon?"

Jane pursed her lips and answered with conviction, "Absolutely, no issues whatsoever."

Jane recognized that the meeting ahead would be significant and complex. It was a high-stakes event, but she remained eager to confront it head-on.

An hour later, they arrived at the airport. Glancing at her watch, Jane noted they had ten minutes before Bruce's flight was due to land.

"I need to use the restroom," Jane informed Patrick.

He nodded, and she hastened away.

In the bathroom, Jane sent a message to someone: "How are things going?"

Shortly afterward, she received a response: "All is proceeding smoothly."


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