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Unexpected Fiancée novel Chapter 57

Chapter 57: No Improper Thought

"My clothes..."

Jane wanted to ask who had changed her out of her clothes, but the shame held her tongue. Patrick, somewhat embarrassed, cleared his throat and explained, "The maid, Amy, helped you change."

Jane breathed a sigh of relief.

Amy was the maid Patrick had hired.

In the soft orange light, Patrick's handsome face took on a gentler aspect.

"I also had a doctor examine you. It appears you have hypoglycemia."

Jane couldn't help but feel a twinge of embarrassment.

She had fainted due to something as common as hypoglycemia.

When had her body grown so weak? She couldn't help but blame Patrick for it. Perhaps it was because she had to take care of him last night.

She ended up staying up late and had only gotten to bed much later.

Then, today, she was tasked with taking meeting minutes and making revisions to the plan.

There had been no time left for her to eat.

That's why she fainted from hypoglycemia.

"You'll be fine after some rest," Patrick reassured her, checking his watch.

"It's quite late now. You should go to bed early, and don't come to the company tomorrow."

"Thank you," Jane replied.

She massaged her stomach, and the pain had subsided.

The following day, Jane awoke at nine o'clock. She was going to be late.

Jane sprang out of bed, hastily gathered her things, and headed out of the room.

In the kitchen, she encountered a middle-aged woman who was busy at work.

The woman noticed Jane's presence and greeted her politely, "Miss North."

"Hello. You must be... Amy?" Jane ventured after a moment's consideration.

Amy nodded and smiled warmly, "Your breakfast is ready."

After glancing at her watch, Jane replied apologetically, "Thank you, Amy. But I must be going now, or I'll be late for work."

However, Amy politely insisted that Jane must have her breakfast.

"Mr. Pansy ordered that you must have breakfast."

"Oh, all right then," Jane said, somewhat speechless.

Why was Patrick showing so much concern for her? Jane took a seat, and Amy brought over her breakfast along with a cup of ginger tea with brown sugar.

"Amy prepared this for you upon Mr. Pansy's request," Amy explained, smiling and gesturing toward the tea.

Patrick had ordered this? How did he even know about it? She sipped the tea, and it gave her a warm, comforting feeling.

After finishing her breakfast, Jane hurriedly headed to the company. She still wanted to work, even though Patrick had advised her to rest at home.

As she arrived at the company building, Jane overheard her two nearby colleagues chatting.

"Wow, Osborn is so handsome!"

"Don't kid yourself. Did you not see that interview where he mentioned being in love for two years? You don't stand a chance."

Osborn? Jane was in shock.

"Jane, have you seen the top search? Osborn is back, and he gave an interview. He rarely does interviews."

"Is that so?" Jane asked absentmindedly.

"Who is Osborn, anyway?"

"Osborn! You don't know Osborn? He's the most popular male star right now. He's incredibly handsome, too."

Eve, the colleague sitting next to Jane, turned to her and explained.

"He's almost as big as our president."


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