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Unexpected Fiancée novel Chapter 58

Chapter 58: Enough?

Jane was fixated on the strikingly handsome figure advancing towards her, and her heart raced at the sight of Patrick.


A sudden and abrupt voice shattered the enigmatic atmosphere.

Jane pushed Patrick away and straightened up, feeling secretly annoyed.

Why did her face feel so hot? Why hadn't she pushed Patrick away just now? Was she captivated by his stunning looks? She glanced at the unexpected guest - none other than Melissa.

With furrowed eyebrows, Jane wondered what Melissa was up to.

In high heels, Melissa walked in, glared at Jane, then turned her attention to Patrick.

Reining in the jealousy that overwhelmed her, she inquired, "Patrick, did I disturb you?"

Patrick frowned slightly.

The heat that had lit up his eyes a moment ago was instantly replaced with coldness. He looked at Melissa with narrowed eyes and asked, "Why are you here?"

"Patrick, how is your hand? I brought you an ointment. It's very effective."

As Melissa spoke, she took out a tube of ointment from her bag and handed it to Patrick.

"No, thanks."

Patrick brushed Melissa's hand away.

"I already have an ointment."

Noting Melissa's disappointed expression, Jane chimed in, "Patrick only uses the ointment I brought for him, right, babe?"

Patrick softly agreed with a hum.

"Babe?" Melissa cursed Jane mentally for being shameless.

With a clenched jaw, Melissa urged herself to calm down.

"Jane, are you still angry with me?"

Melissa dropped her gaze to the floor, pretending to appear pitiful.

"I think you've misunderstood me. Patrick's mom insisted on coming to the company to meet you yesterday, and I couldn't change her mind. She was very concerned about Patrick. After all, he was injured while trying to save you. Her fury was understandable. Please don't be angry, Jane."

Seeing how Melissa absolved herself, Jane sneered, "Really? You told her about Patrick's injury, didn't you?"

"I didn't..."

Melissa bit her lower lip, wanting to say more, but Patrick interrupted her.

"Alright, Melissa. Go back to school. Don't come here for trivial reasons in the future."

Patrick's tone was a little icy and impolite. He rudely ordered her to leave.

Melissa's spirits dropped.

Unconvinced, she attempted again, saying, "Patrick, I came here especially to give you this ointment."

"Didn't you already say that? You don't need to worry about your cousin's injury. He advised you for your own good. He asked you to focus on your studies and not get distracted with other matters," Jane said with a smile.

Melissa restrained the urge to lash out at Jane in front of Patrick and said, "Patrick, I'm leaving now. You'd better keep this ointment. It might come in handy in the future."

She placed the ointment on the table, turned on her heel, and left.

Glancing at the ointment on the table, Jane said, "Your cousin brought this ointment specifically for you. Shouldn't you put it away?"

"No need," Patrick replied indifferently.

To Jane's surprise, he tossed the ointment into the trash can.

"Why did you throw it away?" Jane asked in a baffled voice.

Patrick gazed at Jane intensely and said in a playful tone, "Didn't you say that I would only use the ointment you bought?"

Jane was speechless.

Melissa heard a thud behind her and was stunned.

A gamut of emotions invaded her heart.


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